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The sphere of moral values (Akhlaq)(simplicity, interaction with

Nature, etc.) its semiotics and its interpretations in architecture

and residential space.
Between two walls
. Public-collective hierarchy

Respect for others, separation of male-female spaces

. Non-facing entrances

Height limitation and number of levels

Treatment of exterior facades
Habous and public facilities (The endowments (waqf))
d. The impact on the morphology of the city and urban

a. The definition in Muslim law

The habous ,woqf is a religious foundation which arises from an act of chairity which consists of the allocation ,eternal or long-
term of a property for the penefits of a charitable institution such as the orphanage , the hospital the medersa, the mosque
In principle the waqf property once declared ,cannot change (demolished,transformed)
Type of habous :
The DHURRI (family) waqf
The KHAIRI (public) waqf
c. The impact on urban services and public utilities
Its physical impact is manifested in the stagnation and freezing of building over time (waqf) become urban landmarks

e. Examples of habous
Bir Barrouta

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