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Group members
Javeria (1475-FSS/BSPSY/F20)
Faiza Shaheen (1478-FSS/BSPSY/F20)
Ayesha Waseem (1559-FSS/BSPSY/F20)
Fatima Hassan (1465-FSS/BSPSY/F20)


 Faith and morality
 Islamic concept of faith according to Quran and sunnah
 Islamic concept of morality according to Quran and sunnah
 Psychological point of view of faith and morality, and how it promotes well-
 Ways to promote morality
 Faith generally refers to a strong belief or trust in something, often without direct
evidence or proof.
 It commonly involves a commitment to a particular religious or spiritual belief system,
but it can also extend to trust in other aspects of life, such as personal relationships or
one's own abilities.
 Faith often involves a deep conviction that goes beyond mere rational or empirical
Here are examples of faith across different aspects of life:
 Religious faith
 Spiritual faith
 Interpersonal faith
 Self-faith
 Scientific faith
 Morality pertains to principles or rules that govern human behavior based on concepts of
right and wrong.
 It involves distinguishing between actions that are considered good or virtuous and those
that are deemed bad or immoral.
 Morality can be influenced by various factors, including cultural, religious,
philosophical, and individual perspectives. It provides a framework for individuals and
societies to make ethical decisions and judgments.
Here are examples of moral principles and actions:
• Honesty • Courage
• Compassion • Generosity
• Justice and fairness • Forgiveness
• Respect • Gratitude
• Responsibility • Self-discipline
• Integrity • Loyalty
Is Faith Necessary for Morality?
The relationship between faith and morality is a complex and debated topic in philosophy and
theology. Whether faith is necessary for morality depends on one's perspective and the underlying
philosophical or religious framework. Some argue that faith is a necessary foundation for a moral
life, while others contend that morality can be grounded in secular or humanistic values.
 Here are two contrasting viewpoints:
1. Faith as a foundation of morality:
Religious perspective
Moral motivation
2. Secular morality
 Ethical philosophy
 Culture and humanistic values
 Atheistic morality
Islamic Concept of Faith
 Faith in Islam is the belief in the Unity of Allah. This is conveyed in the primary Kalimah of Islam
which is:
“There is no one worthy of worship but Allah.”
 Muslims believe in One Lord that is Allah Almighty. Allah alone is the Creator and Provider of this
entire universe.
 Every religion has some foundations that lay down the structure of that religion. Islam also has its set
of foundations. The foundations of Islam stand essence of Islamic beliefs. Muslims must believe in
these foundations to have pure and complete belief. Muslim belief and faith are often summarized in
“Six Articles of Faith.” These articles of faith are the fundamental beliefs and are described below:
 Believe in Allah.
 Belief in the Existence of Angels.
 Believe in Divine Books of Allah Almighty.
 Believe in Prophets.
 Believe on the Day of Judgment.
 Believe in the Divine Decree.
Islamic Concept of Morality
 Islam is a complete way of life that provides a belief structure, and a moral system
that guides individuals and society .
 The Islamic moral system is derived from a divine source, therefore it does not
change with the times, and it cannot be molded to fit our personal desires.
 Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) set a high standard of
Islamic morals. He would purposefully encourage good morals and ethics with
those around him.
 Islam teaches the importance of displaying traits like honesty, humbleness and God-
consciousness. Set the best example of contributing towards a healthy society.
 Islam advocates social responsibility centered on mercy and kindness, beginning
at home with your family. A high level of respect, dutifulness and kindness
towards parents, spouses and children is expected.
 The Quran mentions many levels of morality. Good character is not just
encouraged; it is a part of faith. The Quran guides you to the best of morals, even
when visiting someone’s home you have to behave respectfully and demonstrate
good character.
 God wants you to walk with humbleness not pride and when attacked verbally,
respond in a calm manner.
 Honesty and accountability are also important parts of any moral code. God
encourages you in the Quran to be honest and accountable for your actions.
Morality in relation to positive psycology
 Morality in positive psychology focuses on well‐being and flourishing, and morality
plays a significant role in that.
 It explores how moral values, virtues, and ethical behavior contribute to a person’s
overall happiness and fulfillment.
 It focus moral character strengths, such as kindness, honesty, and empathy, positive
psychology seeks to understand how these qualities can enhance our well ‐being and
lead to a more meaningful life.
 A positive morality is a set of beliefs and principles that promote wellbeing,
happiness, and the flourishing of individuals
 It refers to the positive emotions we experience when witnessing acts of moral
goodness or virtue in others. These uplifting experiences can inspire us to engage in
moral behavior ourselves and contribute to our overall well ‐being
 This is considered of interest to explain the social behavior of individuals
living together in groups
 positive morality is a set of beliefs and principles that promote wellbeing,
happiness, and the flourishing of individuals
 It refers to the positive emotions we experience when witnessing acts of moral
goodness or virtue in others. These uplifting experiences can inspire us to
engage in moral behavior ourselves and contribute to our overall well ‐being
 Positive psychology also emphasizes the importance of moral character
development, cultivating virtues like gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion.
 By nurturing these qualities, we can enhance our own happiness and positively
impact those around us.
Major theories of morality

Vygotsky's social development theory

 Vygotsky's social development theory asserts that a child’s cognitive development
and learning ability can be guided and mediated by their social interactions
 His theory (also called Vygotsky's Sociocultural theory) states that learning is a
crucially social process as opposed to an independent journey of discovery.
Piaget and Kohlberg theory
 Piaget understands moral development as a construction process, i.e.,
the interplay of action and thought builds moral concepts.
 Kohlberg on the other hand, describes development as a process of
discovering universal moral principles. In the first case autonomy means
allowing this process to unfold independently
Ways to promote morality
Promoting morality involves a multifaceted approach that encompasses
various strategies and initiatives. Here are several detailed ways to foster
morality within individuals and communities:
1. Ethics Education
2. Role Modeling
3. Open Discussions and Dialogues
4. Family and Community Engagement
5. Character Development Programs
6. Media and communication
Ethics Education
 Encouraging shared values and mutual respect among diverse groups.
 Understanding perspectives and practicing ethical behavior towards
 Real-life scenarios to provoke critical thinking and ethical decision-
 Adapting education to contemporary ethical challenges in technology,
business and medicine.
Role Modeling
 Demonstrating consistency between beliefs, words, and actions.
 Displaying strength in facing moral challenges and standing up for
ethical principles.
 Role models shape attitudes and guide individuals toward adopting
certain moral standards.
 Providing support and guidance to others in navigating moral
challenges and dilemmas.
Open Discussion and Dialogues
 Discussing real-life scenarios to analyze moral complexities and
 Introducing various ethical theories (e.g., utilitarianism, deontology)
to analyze moral issues.
 Facilitating discussions on moral issues to promote a shared
understanding of ethical behavior within society.
 Enhancing compassion and respect for diverse moral viewpoints.
Family and Community Engagement
 Communities contribute to shaping moral standards and
ethical norms that influence individual behavior.
 Engaging in community service projects or ethical
campaigns to promote and reinforce moral conduct.
 Creating a sense of unity and mutual respect within
families and communities through shared moral values.
 Partnering with schools or organizations to integrate
moral education programs within the community.
Character Development Programs
 Providing opportunities for individuals to interact with ethical role
models and mentors to learn by example.
 Providing tools for individuals to reflect on their values, actions,
and the impact on others.
 Establishing a culture where ethical behavior is recognized,
rewarded, and celebrated
 Designing structured lessons or modules that focus on ethical
dilemmas, values, and moral reasoning.
Media and Communication
 Understanding how media representations of moral behavior and
ethical dilemmas can influence audience perceptions and behaviors.
 Showcasing individuals and characters in media who embody
ethical behavior and serve as moral role models.
 Understanding how media representations of moral behavior and
ethical dilemmas can influence audience perceptions and behaviors.

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