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What is

Occupational Safety
& Health (OSH)?
What is OSH?

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is

devoted to the recognition and control of
hazards in the workplace, which may cause
death, disability, injury, sickness, or great
discomfort and inefficiency among the workers.
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a
discipline with a broad scope involving three
major files:
1. Occupational Safety – causes and prevention
of accident.
2. Occupational Health – control of work related

illness and/or occupational diseases.

3. Industrial Hygiene –recognition, evaluation
and control of environmental hazards.
Common terms used in OSH
 Hazard – a source or situation with a potential to cause harm to
people or damage to property or environment.
 Risk – a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of hazard
causing harm and the severity of injury or damage caused by the
Common terms used in OSH
 Accident – is an unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned and
unwanted occurrence or event that causes damage or loss of materials or
properties, injury or death.

 Near Miss – is an unplanned event that has the potential to cause, but
does not actually result in human injury, environmental or equipment
damage, or an interruption to normal operation.

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