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The Teaching Profession

October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Today’s Objectives:

I must:

- know the real purpose of the UNESCO’s mandate

to education.
- understand well why there’s a need of the said
mandate to education.
- raise my concern properly regarding the topic for
October 2, 2023
Simple Review

The challenges of the

teaching profession
October 2, 2023
Today’s Lesson

October 2, 2023
Today’s Lesson

Under the leadership of Jacques Delors, former

President of the European Commission and former
French Minister of Economy and Finance, Learning:
The Treasure Within emphasized the importance of
a humanistic approach to education and
established “the four pillars” of education, namely:
learning to know, learning to do, learning to live
together and learning to be.
October 2, 2023
Today’s Lesson

Learning to know
It is regarded as a means and an end in learning
and in life. As a means, it serves to enable learners
to understand the very least enough about the
nature, about humankind and its history, about his
or her environment, and about society at large. As
an end, it enables the learners to experience the
presence of knowing, discovering and
understanding as a process.
October 2, 2023
Today’s Lesson

Learning to do
It means the application of what learners have learned or
known into practices. It is closely related to vocational-
technical education and work skills training. However,
learning to do call for new types of skills, more behavioral
than intellectual. This implies a shift from skill to competence
or a mix of higher-order skills specific to each individual
learner. These are the following: ability to communicate
effectively with others, aptitude towards team work, social
skills in building meaningful interpersonal relations,
adaptaptability to change in the world of work and in social
life, competency in transforming knowledge to innovations
and job-creation, and a readiness to take risks and resolve or
manange conflicts.
October 2, 2023
Today’s Lesson
Learning to live together
It implies an education taking two complementary
path; on one level, discovery of others and
experience of shared purposes throughout life. It
simply means developing the following qualities:
knowledge and understanding of self and others,
appreciation of the diversity of the human race and
an awareness of the similarities between the
interdependence of all humans, respect of other
people and their cultures and value systems and
the capability of encountering others and resolving
conflicts through dialogues.
October 2, 2023
Today’s Lesson
Learning to be
It can be interpreted in one way as learning to be
human, through acquisition of knowledge, skills and
values conducive to personality development in its
intellectual, moral, cultural and physical
dimensions. This implies a curriculum aiming at
cultivating qualities of imagination and creativity,
acquiring universally shared human values,
developing critical thinking and exercising
independent judgment and developing personal
commitment and responsibility.
October 2, 2023
Today’s Lesson

Watch and Learn:

4 Pillars of Learning by

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