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An Important Element

By: Abram Karl B. Bondoc

• It is true that many elements are important for the human body to work.
• There are many elements I may choose from but I have decided on oxygen
because of two factors: a. It is because I can explain it much better than
other elements . B. It is because it is one of, if not, the most known
element that is needed in the human body.
• Oxygen has the chemical element symbol O and the atomic number of 8
in the chalcogen group.
• Oxygen makes up about 20.95% of Earth’s Atmosphere which is the 3 rd most abundant
element in the universe (according to Wikipedia).
• Oxygen uses include the making of plastics, steel, textiles, brazing, oxygen therapy, and life
support systems in vehicles like aircrafts, submarines, spaceflight and diving suits.
• Oxygen is needed by most living things to survive,

Fun fact: Did you know that inhaling 100% pure oxygen is harmful and can be toxic to you?
Main symptoms are Chest pains, Headaches, Fever, and Myopia and cataract formation. There
was even an instance where two astronauts breathed 100% oxygen but with a reduced pressure
for about two weeks and making it out fine.
What if Oxygen is absent?
• If Oxygen was absent, and organism would eventually die except some
un/discovered organisms that don’t need it like Hennaguya salminicola.
• For instance, the human body has lungs that breathes in oxygen and breathes
out carbon dioxide rich air. If oxygen were absent, Carbon Dioxide would
eventually build-up, meaning your body will force you to inhale and exhale
much faster and would make your body much weaker and you would get
tired easily. If Oxygen was not present for about 3-10 mins, you can faint,
have a seizure, injure your brain or other organs inside the body and
potentially leading to death.

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