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 Coordinating conjunctions
 Subordinating conjunctions
 Correlative conjunctions

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words that link words, phrases,

or clauses of equal importance

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AND • My father, mother, and sister are all teachers.
used to link ideas • My aunt lives and works in New York.
• I eat 2 slices of bread and drink a large glass of milk for
• I’m 10 years old and I come from Vietnam.

• He’s intelligent but lazy.
used to show contrast • I like tea but I don’t like coffee.
• There is a hotel, but there isn’t a shop.

OR • Do you want tea, milk, or some juice?

used to list choice • Hurry up or you will be late for school.

SO • It’s raining so I take my umbrella.

used to show consequence • There aren’t enough beds, so we have to sleep on the floor.

Exercise 1: Put in AND/BUT/OR/SO
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1. The party was boring …………. I went home.
2. andmilk.
Please buy me some eggs, flour, ………….
3. so you can’t speak to him now.
John is sleeping ………….
4. and a dress for the upcoming party.
I bought some shoes ………….
5. andwatches TV every night.
Simon plays videos games ………….
6. or France?
Do you want to travel to Germany ………….
7. but she doesn’t like pears.
My sister likes apples ………….
8. but he keeps on talking during lessons.
I ask him to be quiet ………….
9. Should we paint the kitchen green ………….or
so it attracts a lot of tourists.
10. The cathedral is very famous ………….
but I forgot my purse, ………….
11. I went to the market …………. so I had to went home to take it. 4

and I felt so cold ………….

12. It was raining …………. so I went indoors. 4
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words that link a dependent clause to a
main clause

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BECAUSE • It’s a noisy town because there are a lot of cars.
used to tell reasons • Because that bag was too expensive, I didn’t buy it.
ALTHOUGH, • Jimmy goes to school although he’s sick.
THOUGH • Even though I have 2 cousins, I’ve never met them.
EVEN THOUGH • Though I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep.

used to show contrast
• I’ll phone you if the train is late. (1 type)

used to talk about • If I were you, I’d not lend him the money. (2nd type)
conditions • If I’d known you were in hospital, I would have gone to visit
you. (3rd type)
WHEN, WHILE, • When it stops raining, I’ll go out.
UNTIL, AS SOON AS • Andrew called while you were out.
used to talk about time • I waited until Mary was ready. 6

• I’ll let you know as soon as I have free time. 6

Exercise 2: Choose the BEST CONJUNCTIONS
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1. He works slowly …………… he’s tired. (but, or, when)
2. I’ll phone you …………… I arrive at the restaurant. (as soon as, until, while)
3. Ernest is not a happy person ……………. he is very rich. (although, and, if)
4. I’m hungry …………… I’ll make myself a sandwich. (if, or, so)
5. I waited for you ………..…… you didn’t come. (and, but, so)
6. The weather was nice ………..…… it was a bit cold. (so, and, although)
7. I’ll tell you my plans ………..…… we’re having lunch. (or, while, because)
8. You can pay me now …………..… I can wait until next month. (because, or, even though)
9. I helped him …………..… he was a good friend. (or, so, because)
10. Your mother will be very angry ……………… you do that again. (because, while, if)
11. I’ll call you …………… I leave the work. (as soon as, or, but) 7

12. Henry didn’t like his current job ……………… he quitted. (so, and, or) 7
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pair of conjunctions that joins equal
elements in a sentence

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BOTH … AND • Both Chris and Paul were late.
• I was both tired and hungry when I arrived home.
EITHER … OR • I’m not sure where Maria’s from. She’s either Spanish or
• Either you apologize, or I’ll never speak to you again.

NEITHER … NOR • Neither Chris nor Paul came to the party.

• There was an accident outside our house, but we neither saw
nor heard anything.

Exercise 3: Rewrite sentences with CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS
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1. It was a boring movie. It was long too. >> The movie ……………
2. Joe doesn’t have a car. Sam doesn’t have one either. >> ……………
3. Emily speaks German and she speaks Russian too. >> Emily ……………
4. Ben doesn’t watch TV and he doesn’t read newspapers. >> Ben ……………
5. Chris was late. So was Pat. >> ……………
6. I don’t have time to go on vacation. And I don’t have the money. >> I ……………
7. He didn’t say hello, and he didn’t smile. >> He ……………
8. You can have tea, or you can have coffee. >> You ……………
9. We have time to see the museum, or the cathedral, but not both. >> We ……………
10. She didn’t look at me and she didn’t talk to me. >> She …………… 10

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Task 1: Read the email below.
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2. In what order
from the
does the email
Which the four
points? cover
two points?

This email covers 4 points:

• Describing what one’s doing
• Thank someone for a present.
• Mention a future arrangement.
• Suggest an activity.
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• Write an email that cover the same four points
• Use present simple and present progressive
• Use conjunctions

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