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Christmas all over the world

prepared by: Daria Nikolova, Ivet Dimova, Karina Nikolova,

Luchezara Tsvetkova and Margarita Petrova
Christmas is an international holiday.
Time is different in different places of
the world. Somewhere it's snowing,
and somewhere it's sunny and hot.
But everywhere is cheerful and festive.
Christmas in Italy
Christmas in Italy is three days. It symbolizes
abundance and generosity, because once
upon a time bakers gave their poorer
neighbors kosunac as gifts. Even nowadays,
Italians prepare a special cake called
panettone, full of tangerines, chocolate and
raisins. Night continues with playing family
games. A traditional Christmas figure in
Italian is the Befàna - old witch on a
broomstick bearing gifts.
Christmas in France
In France, children stay up all night waiting for Pere Noel to come by
with his sleigh. They put candles in the windows to show him where he
should go. The traditional pastry is called a bush - a chocolate roll with
glaze. The main dish is turkey with a garnish of chestnuts or rooster.
Christmas in Brazil
The holiday is called Dia de festas., and Santa Claus is called Papai Noel. In Brazil,
temperatures are high during Christmas, so people welcome the holiday on the beach
in their swimsuits. The treat includes fruit salads, ice cream and many types of
Christmas in Belgium
In Belgium,the lavish meal begins with a drink
(aperitif) and nibbles, with a starter course
(such as seafood) and the main course (usually
turkey) afterward. There are two Santa Claus
figures – St Nicholas and Pere Noel. Depending
in which part of Belgium people live, they
celebrate Christmas in different ways. For
example, St. Nicholas visits those who speak
the Walloon language (a dialect of French from
parts of Belgium), while those who speak
French are visited by Pere Noel.
Christmas in the Philippines
People in the Philippines like to celebrate Christmas for as long as possible!
The formal Christmas celebrations start on 16th December when many
people go to the first of nine pre-dawn or early morning masses. The last
mass is on Christmas day. The Christmas celebrations continue to the First
Sunday in January when Epiphany or the One very special person who helps
people in the Philippines celebrate Christmas is Santa R-Kayma Klaws. He is
a Filipino citizen, in his 70s and is of Irish descent. He has been spreading
Christmas cheer among poor Filipino children by dressing up as Santa Claus
during charity missions and corporate events in poor areas of the
Philippines for over 50 years.
Christmas in Switzerland
According to Swiss tradition Santa visits
Switzerland on 6 December and does not
bring the actual Christmas presents –
those are said to be brought by
the Christkind. Instead, he takes along a
big bag filled with nuts, mandarins,
cookies, and chocolates, which he
distributes to the children he visits
depending on their behavior during the
past year.
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