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Daily Life in Ancient Greece

10 and 11-year-old class

Ancient Greece: Men
• Ancient Greek men held many jobs like fishermen,
farmer, soldier, craftsmen, teacher, and government
worker. Ancient Greek men were counted as royalty and
treated like kings, meanwhile women were always
enslaved because of the theories that they are useless.
Some of men's favorite activities were hunting and
horse riding. The ideal of a man in the time was to be
extremely brave. To prove that they were married to a
beautiful women, but not for love; for slavery. Men
married women to enslave the females.
Ancient Greek
In Ancient Greece, the majority of people
ate cheese, olives, wine, bread, and other
commonly found vegetables. At only 3
years old, Greeks would have their first sip
or glass of wine. Meat and fish were a
rarity that only royals could consume daily,
they also only ate two meals a day.
Ancient Greek food
•The main foods the Ancient Greeks ate were bread,
made from wheat, and porridge, made from barley.
They used lots of olive oil to cook and add flavor to
dishes. They also ate a range of vegetables, including
chickpeas, olives, onions, garlic, and cabbage.
Vegetables were very common as food during the time.
Meat was hard to get, because of the rarity of raising
the animals, and vegetables and crops were easier to
plant and get.
Ancient Greek Theatre

The word theatre in Ancient Greek

is 'Thearon' this is where the word
theatre came from. Most of the
theatres in Greece had an open-air
and people could view the beautiful
sky. There is a building behind the
orchestra that's called a 'Skene' and
the actors will change costumes in
the skene. Men had to play as the
women characters because women
weren't allowed to go on stage. They
are three genres of drama in Ancient
Greece, comedy, satyr plays and
tragedy. People in Ancient Greece
take entertainment very seriously,
they will make sure that the show is
good, and that the audience
enjoys themselves.
Ancient Greece: Clothes
• The main types of clothing for men and women was
a tunic and a cloak. Some other Greeks would
wear either a peplos, chiton or himation. Peplos was
some very thick and large rectangle, mostly made
from wool. Peplos, whenever it was folded to the
upper corner, would usually reach the waist. Mostly
used colors for clothing was teal, white, and a red
Ancient Greece: Women

During the times of Ancient Greece, women were usually

enslaved. In the ancient times, men were counted as the
main living things, and women were pretty much side
characters of anyone's life. Greek women were controlled
by men in nearly each stage of their life, and yes,
childhood counted in aswell.
Ancient Greek Houses
In the Ancient Greek history, most of the houses had a slanted roof which can stop the rainwaters and
safe rainwater for drinking. In Ancient Greece, the small houses will have two rooms and one open porch.
Mosaic floors were common in the small houses. Meanwhile a large house had a structure of two stories, with a
large courtyard surrounded by a building with several rooms. Houses were usually out of brick and stone.
Ancient Greek Houses

Greek houses were called "The Andron". Some different

types of Androns were such as the Doric order, the Ionic
order, and Corinthian order. But there are two groups for
all those houses: small and large. Small houses were
lived in by slaves and the villagers, pretty much the
poor, meanwhile royalty or some wise men lived in the
large houses. The structure of a small house was a
kitchen, an animal shed, possibly a bathroom, and a
lounge-type room for men's gatherings and a backyard.
The structure of a large houses includes two stories and
a building that had two spacious rooms.
Ancient Greek-Children
•Kids of Ancient Greece didn't really have school that we
have today. Well, only the females didn't. The males were
trained by their fathers to master different crafts until they
were 6. Then, they were sent to a public school. Some
kids left school about a year later to start going to military
school. Meanwhile, women didn't go to school, or their
father didn't teach them anything; they just stayed at
home. They were taught to cook, sew and clean by their
mothers. But all the way before they were mature
children, they just played with toys and spent the day
playing games.

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