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Lesson nº: Date 18th November 2021

Summary: Possessive case

Docente: Sebastião Diadia Domingos

1 Rewrite the sentences by using ( ‘ S)

a) The work of the scientists

b) The Music of Bonga
c) The toys of my children
d) The apartment of Mr john and his wife
e) The house of my brother-in-law
2 Say that (a) belongs to (b)
a b
The books John
The car my aunt
The camera Tom
The birthday my father
The uncle Bill
The ring Susan
3 Complete the sentences
a) My father’s mother is my_______ aunt
b) My father’s daughter is my ______ wife
c) My mother is my father’s________ daughter
d) My mother’s father is my________ sister
e) My brother is my father’s________ parents
f) My father’s sister is my _________ son
g) My aunt’s husband is my________ grandfather
h) My grandfather is my grandmother’s____ husband
i) My mother and my father are my_______ uncle
4 Now you can introduce your own family

My father’s name is________, my mother’s name

is______, I have a sister, her name is_____, I have
a brother, his name is_____, I have two cousins,
their names are_________, my favourite uncle’s
name is__________

Thank you

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