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A boy’s world gets turned upside down on his 11th birthday. A giant man
informs him that he’s really a wizard, and will soon be attending a school that
only wizards can attend. He also learns that, in the wizarding world, he’s a hero.
When he was an infant, the evil sorcerer killed his parents and then tried to kill
him too. With a joyful heart, the boy starts Wizarding School in September. He
quickly becomes best friends with a boy with red hair and a girl with bushy hair,
and before they even make it to Christmas, they have already broken tons of
school rules. He is constantly busy trying to stay on top of the mounds of
homework, as well as participating in a wizarding sport that requires flying on
brooms and scoring balls in other team’s rings. This sport is popular among
wizards and he is the youngest player in over a century. It's also a game the boy
loves more than anything else at school.
A bartender and a domestic helper of Filipino origin living in Hong Kong
find themselves falling in love, but they each have different plans for their
future. A spunky, down-on-her-luck millennial who works as a domestic
helper in Hong Kong excels in her job and enjoys the friendship of many
other empowered domestic helpers. However, she plans to live the city soon.
In her journey to achieving her goals, she meets a Filipino bartender who is
already building a permanent life in Hong Kong. In a few years, he will
officially become a resident in the city. After escaping responsibilities all his
life, he now wants to commit to a career and to his family. The domestic
helper and the bartender soon develop a friendship and become each other’s
joy against the grime and grind of Hong Kong.
A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist
aboard a luxurious ship. Eighty-four years later, a 100 year-old
woman tells the story to her granddaughter about her life set in April
10th 1912, when she boards the departing ship with the upper-class
passengers, her mother, and her fiancé. Meanwhile, a drifter and artist
together with his best friend win third-class tickets to the ship in a
game. The old woman explains the whole story from departure until
the death of the ship on its first and last voyage April 15th, 1912 at
2:20 in the morning.
Four sisters reunite to dissuade their younger brother from marrying his fiancée. As
they interact, they face the feelings and issues they have kept buried for a long
time. When the youngest of the family announced that he is getting married, his
sister convinces the other sisters to come back home for the wedding as requested
by their mother. The eldest is working as a waitress and housekeeper in Madrid;
the second sister works as a corporate communications manager in New York and
is living with her boyfriend and his daughter; the third sister is living
independently and works as an assistant film director; while the fourth sister is a
school teacher. When the family reunites, the sisters expressed their opinion on
their brother’s abrupt decision of getting married, offending him. The brother
accepted their apology, but told them to behave themselves for when they meet his
fiancée and her family.
A young woman moves to Forks and falls in love with a mysterious
classmate who reveals himself to be a 108-year-old vampire. When she
moves to the rainy, cold, and cloudy town of Forks to live with her dad, she
doesn’t expect much. She’s kind of a misfit and doesn’t have a lot of friends.
But when she meets the extremely mysterious and handsome-looking boy,
everything changes. As the two slowly grow closer, she stumbles upon his
most deadly secret and they begin to realize they have a very strong love to
each other. He has been waiting for a long time for a soul mate and she is the
one. But the closer he gets to her, the more difficult it becomes for him to
resist her blood. The two know they are entering a forbidden relationship and
that they have to face many dangers just because they are together.
A mentally-impaired father with the intellect of a six-year-old lives in a run-
down house along with his daughter of the same age. One day, he gets into a
physical altercation with the police commissioner who has just purchased the
last Sailor Moon backpack for his daughter, a gift he was saving up to buy for
his own child. Soon after, the police commissioner’s daughter dies in a freak
accident while she is taking the mentally-impaired man to another store that
sells the same backpack. When he tries to resuscitate her, a woman witnesses
him and mistakes him to be molesting her. He is falsely accused of the
abduction, murder, and rape of a minor. The police quickly took advantage of
his disability and force him to admit to committing the crimes, while ignoring
exonerating evidence. He is imprisoned and assigned to the harshest cell in a
maximum security prison

Skimming is a method of rapidly

moving the eyes over the text with the
purpose of getting only the main ideas
and a general overview of the content.
Skimming is useful in three different situations:

Skimming is useful in three different situations:

Skimming is useful in three different situations:

Skimming is useful in three different situations:

Identify the main

Elephants are important ecosystem engineers. They help maintain

forest and savanna ecosystems for other species and are integrally
tied to rich biodiversity. They make pathways in dense forested
habitat that allow passage for other animals. An elephant footprint
can also enable a micro-ecosystem that, when filled with water, can
provide a home for tadpoles and other organisms. As keystone
species, they help maintain biodiversity of the ecosystems they

Video game addiction is a serious problem in many parts of the world

today and deserves more attention. It is no secret that children and adults
in many countries throughout the world, including Japan, China, and the
United States, play video games every day. One common effect of video
game addiction is isolation and withdrawal from social experiences. Video
game players often hide in their homes or in Internet cafés for days at a
time—only reemerging for the most pressing tasks and necessities. Most
players are able to limit their usage in ways that do not interfere with their
daily lives, but many others have developed an addiction to playing video
games and suffer detrimental effects.
Online shopping has nowadays become a widely spread way of
shopping among people on different continents and in different
countries. Its popularity is constantly on the rise considering the
spread of Internet technologies and the increasing share of online
shops in the retailing business. Online shopping activities are gaining
wide spread as far as they tend to provide the consumers with
numerous benefits and increase the convenience of buying without
leaving the house. The popularity of online shopping grows due to a
range of reasons, including its convenience as well as time- and
money-saving potential.
Thank you! <3

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