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Poverty In Pakistan

Presented To: Mr. Ubaidullah

Presented By: Usman Sarfraz
Economic Factors:

 Low Income Levels: A large portion of the population earns low

incomes, often in the informal sector, which is characterized by
irregular and unstable employment.
 Income Inequality: There is a significant income gap in
Pakistan, with a small percentage of the population holding a
disproportionate share of wealth.
 Inadequate Employment Opportunities: The economy often
struggles to create enough jobs, especially for the growing youth
population, leading to high unemployment and
underemployment rates.
Education and Skills:

 Limited Access to Education: Many children in Pakistan do not

have access to quality education, especially in rural areas. This
limits their future earning potential.
 Low Literacy Rates: Low literacy rates make it difficult for
individuals to escape poverty and access better job opportunities.

 Inadequate Healthcare Infrastructure: Access to quality

healthcare is limited in many parts of the country.
 leading to poor health outcomes, high medical expenses, and
reduced productivity.
Agriculture and Rural Poverty:

 A significant portion of Pakistan's population is engaged in

 However, agricultural productivity remains low due to factors
like outdated farming techniques, lack of access to credit, and
water scarcity.
Gender Inequality:

 Gender disparities in education and employment opportunities

limit the economic prospects of women.
 Contributing to poverty among female-headed households.
Political and Social Factors:

 Corruption: Corruption and mismanagement of resources can

divert funds away from poverty alleviation programs.
 Conflict and Security Issues: Ongoing conflicts and security
concerns in certain regions of Pakistan hinder economic
development and contribute to poverty.
Natural Disasters and Climate
 Pakistan is vulnerable to natural disasters like floods and
 These events can devastate communities and set back
development efforts.
Government Policies and Programs:

 The effectiveness of poverty alleviation programs and social

safety nets in Pakistan has been a subject of debate.
 With concerns about their targeting and implementation.

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