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Now keep your focus, will

Indirect Speech Commands

By Annisa Tristania Agustina, S.Pd.

Changing a direct command/imperative into
indirect speech
Use: tell, order, command, ask, beg, remind,
advise, warn

The use of ‘Let’s’ in a indirect speech

Use: suggest + V-ing

1. He said, “Tell me the truth!”
2. The police officer says, “Give me the keys!”
3. Rei said, “Let’s give the kids a lesson!”
4. My mom said, “Don’t stay near the stove.”
5. Rui says, “Let me go or I will scream!”
6. “Let’s go to the concert today!” said Armin.
7. “Fadil, close the door for me,” asks Jean.
8. “Don’t you dare to touch me!” said Mikasa.
9. “It is now or never!” says Levi.
10. “Speak nothing about this, Annie,” said Erwin.

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