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What is full of holes but still

holds water?

S_ _ _ _ E
What is easy to get into, but
hard to get out of?

_R _ _ _ _ E
Translating Passive Voice
By Annisa T Agustina, S.Pd.
Is it an active or passive voice?
• Aku makan roti setiap hari.
• Kemarin, gula ini dibeli Ibu di pasar.
• Bangku itu dicat hijau oleh Pak Khalid.
• Sofi membersihkan jendela.
• Jendelanya kekunci.
• Lantainya dipel anak-anak.
• Makbul tertampar Hilman.
• Doaku dikabulkan Allah.
Simple Present Tense vs Simple past Tense

• S + are/am/is + VERB 3 + (by O)

- When there’s no specific time signal
- When it is a fact
- When it is a daily activity
• S + was/were + VERB 3 + (by O)
- When there is a specific time signal
- When it is done in the past
Can you find the seven differences?
Can you find the eight differences?
Now let’s try the exercise all
Translate the following passive voice into English!
• Roti dimakan olehku setiap hari.
• Kemarin, gula ini dibeli Ibu di pasar.
• Bangku itu dicat hijau oleh Pak Khalid.
• Jendela dibersihkan Sofi.
• Jendelanya kekunci.
• Lantainya dipel anak-anak.
• Makbul tertampar Hilman.
• Doaku dikabulkan Allah.
• Buku-buku itu diberikan kepadaku dua hari yang lalu.
• Kita sangat dicintai oleh semua orang.

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