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4 Video Conference


Djibouti Class
Answer these questions
1. Do you have new habits because of this pandemic? Yes I have
2. What is the first habit? I have to wear mask every time I go out
3. What is the second habit? I bring hand sanitizer every where
4. What is the third habit? I always wash my hands after going out
Answer these questions
6. What is the fourth habit? I always open my phone
7. How was everything done since March last year? Everything was done
8. How do you learn and shop? I learn and shop online
9. How does this pandemic teach you? This pandemic teaches me to stay
healthy and productive at the same time although the place and the
opportunity are limited
I have some new habits because of this pandemic. These habits are not
here before, but now I think I can’t live without them. The first habit is
that I have to wear mask every time I go out. My second new habit is I
bring hand sanitizer every where. My third habit is I always wash my
hands after going out. My fourth habit is a little bit different. it is I
always open my phone. Before this pandemic, sure, I open and play
my phone all the time. But during this pandemic, since March last
year, everything is done digitally. I learn and shop online. This
pandemic teaches me to stay healthy and productive at the same time
although the place and opportunity are limited. Stay healthy physically
and mentally lads!
Tell me about your habits
Translate these sentences
• mereka tidak mempercayai kita dengan baik
• They don’t trust us well
• kenapa ayahmu seringkali marah?
• Why are your father often mad?
• siapa yang sedang mencarimu sekarang?
• Who are looking for you now?
• Mereka sedang mendapatkan baju baru
• They are having new clothes
• Kamu tidak mengerti masalah-masalah ini
• You don’t understand these problems
Translate these sentences
• Dia (pr) marah semalam
• She was angry last night
• Kenapa kamu tidak marah tadi?
• Why were you not mad last time?
• Ayahku sabar menunggumu kemarin
• My father was patient to wait for you yesterday/ My father waited for you
patiently last night
• Aku sedang memeriksa motornya sementara sepupu (lk) ku sedang
membersihkan garasi yesterday
• I was checking his motorcycle while my cousin was cleaning the garage
1. Simple Present Tense

• Subject : QW+V1s/es+O? who

• xSubject : QW+do/does+S+V1+O? what, when, where, whom, How
Make the question by the answer
We welcome our good family warmly in our lovely house in the evening
Who welcomes our good family warmly in our lovely house in the evening?
What do we do to our good family warmly in our lovely house the evening?
Whom do we welcome warmly?
How do we welcome our good family?
Where do we welcome our good family warmly?
When do we welcome our good family?
2. Present Continuous Tense

• Subject : QW+is+V-ing+O? who

• xSubject : QW+is/am/are+S+Ving+O? what, when, where, whom, How
Make the question by the answer
He is waiting for your friend here at the present
Who is waiting for your friend?
What is he doing?
Whom is he waiting for?
Where is he waiting for his friend
When is he waiting for your friend here?
3. Simple Past Tense
• Subject : QW+V2+O? who
• xSubject : QW+did+S+V1+O? what, when, where, whom, How
Make the question by the answer
Laura swept the yard yesterday
Who swept the yard yesterday?
What did Laura do?
Where did Laura sweep yesterday?
When did Laura sweep the yard?

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