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Embedded Questions

Embedded Questions

An embedded question is a question that is included inside another

question or statement. They are common after introductory phrases, such

I wonder….
Could you tell
Do you know…?
Can you remember…?
Let's ask….
We need to find out….
I'd like to know….
Could you tell
I'm not sure….
Would you mind explaining…?

Four Rules for Using Embedded Questions

Rule One
If the embedded question is part of a statement, use a period and not a
question mark at the end of the sentence. Also, if the question is in the
present or past simple verb tense, omit the auxiliary verbs do, does, and
did and change the verb to its appropriate form, as in the example below.

Direct Question What time did he leave?

Embedded Question I wonder what time he left.

Direct Question What time does he go to work?

Embedded Question Can you tell me what time he goes to work?

Rule Two
If the embedded question includes an auxiliary verb or the verb "to be",
reverse the positions of the subject and the auxiliary verb, as in the
examples below.

Direct Question What did he say?

Embedded Question Could you tell me what he said?

Direct Question What time can you help me?

Embedded Question I wonder if what time you can help me.

Direct Question Where is he a doctor?

Embedded Question Do you know where he is a doctor?

Rule Three
If the embedded question is a yes/no question, it is introduced by whether,
whether or not, or if.

Direct Yes/No Question Will he be there?

Embedded Question Do you know if he will be there?

Do you know whether or not he will be there?
Do you know whether he will be there or not?

Using Embedded Questions

There are times when native English speakers prefer to use embedded
rather than direct questions. Here are two examples.

1. Politely Asking for Information

Direct Question What time does the bus arrive?

Could you tell me what time the bus arrives?

Embedded Question (more polite)

2. Talking About Something Which Is Unknown to the Speaker

Direct Question Why did she decide not to come with us?

Embedded Question I don't know why she decided not to come with us.
Practice 1. Choose the correct sentence.

1a. Does anyone know why Carol was absent from class yesterday?
1b. I wish I knew what is the time now.
1c. Have you decided whether or not are you going to buy a new car?

2a. Are you one of the reason why is he not in class today?
2b. I wish I knew where is the best place in Victoria to buy shoes.
2c. Could you tell me when the next train is supposed to arrive?

3a. Does anyone know is the test tomorrow going to be very difficult?
3b. Can you remember what the name of the author who wrote "The Old
Man and the Sea" was?
3c. Have the decided how long are they going to stay in Hawaii?

4a. I have no idea how long does it take to get there.

4b. Do you know how long it is taking to get to the university from here?
4c. I wonder how long it takes to get there.

5a. Have you decided when are you returning to your country?
5b. I wonder what should I buy my girlfriend for her birthday?
5c. Do you know if many people are coming to the party?

6a. Please tell me what your plans are after you graduate.
6b. Have you decided what are you going to order from the menu?
6c. I was wondering if you knew what time is it.

7a. Have you decided will you accept the offer or not accept it?
7b. Can anyone remember what did we learn about coordinate conjunctions
in class yesterday?
7c. Does anyone know what the topic of today's lecture is?

8a. Does anyone know why was today's meeting postponed until next week?
8b. I wish I knew where I left my glasses.
8c. Does anyone know what is the color of an eagle's egg?

9a. Do you know where are they going to stay while they are visiting
9b. Do you know whether or not they are going to have a large wedding?
9c. I wonder why is the cafeteria is so crowded today?

10a. Please tell me what did he say about my project.

10b. Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like on the weekend?
10c. I was wondering are they going to get married.
Practice 2. Answer each question with an embedded question. Use
pronouns in your answer whenever possible.

Example: A: What time is it?

B: I don't know what time it is.

1. A: What's that girl’s name?

B: I don't know

2. A: When does the game start?

B: I'm not sure

3. A: Why is she mad?

B: I have no idea

4. A: Where do they live?

B: I can't remember

5. A: How does this cell phone work?

B: Don't ask me

6. A: What does she think about my idea?

B: I don't know

7. What's the answer to the question?

B: No one knows

8. A: How much does this cereal cost?

B: I'm not sure

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