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6 th Video Conference

Djibouti Class
Answer the question

1. When did your parents take you to some holiday places in nature?
When I was child

2. What does nature mean?

Nature means beaches, mountains, forest and vegetable fi elds

3. What have you visited? I have visited beaches and fi elds

4. Why did you visit beaches in Gunung Kidul? Because Gunung Kidul is
the nearest place from my house
5. What was another beach that you ever visited? Beach in Pacitan

6. How were the atmosphere in the mountain and beaches?

The atmosphere in the mountain and beaches are diff erent but they give me
calming eff ect

When I was a child, my parents often took me to some holiday places that are
in nature. In nature I mean that they took me to the mountains, beaches,
fi elds, forests, parks and many other things. I have visited all beaches in
Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta because they are the nearest beaches from my
house. I have visited some beaches in Pacitan as well. They are all beautiful. I
also visited mountains and vegetable fi elds. Usually when we went to the
mountains, we visited my parents’ friends or just driving and eating. The
atmosphere in the mountains and beaches is diff erent. But each gives me the
same calming eff ect. Now I am an adult already and my love for nature is
going stronger. Even though now I am living in a city, I will take some times to
go to the quiet places like beaches, forests, or mountains. I think it is really
useful to make ourselves at peace and we will have healthy mind and heart .
Translate Into English

Present Perfect Tense

1. Apakah saya telah menolak pendapatmu baru-baru ini?

Have I rejected your opinion lately?

2. siapa yang telah mengambil foto kita?

Who has taken our picture?

3. Kamus milik siapa yang sudah kamu pinjam?

Whose dictionar y have you borrowed?

4. saya belum pernah merokok.

I haven’ t smoked
Translate Into English

Past Perfect Tense

1. Adikku (pr) belum man di Ketika saya datan g semalam.

My sister hadn’ t taken a bath when I came last night

2. Apakah ayahmu menger tiku setelah dia telah men getahu i semu a ten tan gku bu lan lalu ?

Did your father understand me af ter he had known all ab out me la st month?

3. siapa yang telah memaaf kan mu sebelu m mereka memaaf kan ku kemarin ?

Who had forgiven you before they forgave me yesterday?

4. John sudah Pindah ke ru mah barunya di kota lain Ketika saya men gu n ju n ginya minggu lalu .

John had moved to his new house in other city when I visited him last week.

5. apakah mereka sudah memasan g ten da-ten da Ketika h u jan kemarin?

Had they set the tend s when it was rain yesterday?

6. Merek a kelihatan Lelah karen a mereka telah beker ja semalam .

They looked tired because they had worked last nig ht.
Please answer these questions below by using NO/ANY

1. What has she cooked in the kitchen?

a. No : She has cooked nothing in the kitchen

b. Any : She hasn’ t cooked anything in the kitchen

2. What spoilt their holiday?

c. No :Nothing spoilt their holiday

d. Any :anything didn’ t spoil their holiday

3. What makes every person very angry?

e. No: Nothing makes every person very angry

f. Any: Anything doesn’ t make every person ver y angr y

5. Who always talks about him?

a. No: Nobody always talks about him

b. Any: Anybody doesn’ t always talk about him

6. Whom would the judge punish?

c. No: The judge would punish no one

d. Any: the judge wouldn’ t punish anyone

7. Where had the smart boy hidden his new homework?

e. No: the smar t boy hidden his new homework no where

f. Any: the smar t boy didn’ t hide his new homework any where.

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