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Adverbs of Frequency + Simple Past

Adverbs of Frequency

What is something you always do when you study for a test?

What is something you usually do in your free time?

Where do you often go in summer?

Where do you sometimes go with your friends?

What is something you never do around your parents?

What do you usually do in the morning to get ready?

What restaurants do you seldom eat at?

What is something you rarely eat during the winter?

What type of music do you normally listen to?

When do you generally get up?

LESSON 2. Adverbs of Frequency + Simple Past

2- Do you like? Why?

Simple Past

We use the Simple past to talk about an action that happened in a certain
time in the past.
I studied hard this morning.
I got up at 7am, washed my face, got dressed, had breakfast and rushed to
the office.
Jane went to the mal this afternoon.

Subject + verb in the past + complement
She got sick last summer.
LESSON 2. Adverbs of Frequency + Simple Past

Subject + did not/ didn’t + verb in the bare form + complement
She didn’t get sick last summer?
They didn’t arrive home late last night?

Did + subject + verb in the bare form + complement
Did she get sick last summer?
Did they arrive home late last night?

Regular verbs
• ED on the affirmative forms;
Cook – cooked Dance – danced

• Consonant + Y → IED
Dry –Dried Cry- cried
• Vowel + Y
Stay- Stayed

1- Rewrite these sentences in the past

a) We never drink alcohol
b) I’m very to see her again
c) I don’t have breakfast
d) Do you live downtown?
e) He likes horror movies

2- Correct the mistakes in these sentences

a) Did you went to school yesterday?
b) We thinked that you were ill.
c) I studyed French at school.
d) She mades the beds before going out.

3- Translate those sentences into English.

Any sentences from portuguese on the past;
LESSON 2. Adverbs of Frequency + Simple Past

4- Listen to the video and complete the text with these verbs in the past:

decide- say - work - start- do- have- love- turn- return- buy- develop- be-

Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just
three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. It _______before
I ______born. My biological mother ______a young, unwed graduate student,
and she _______to put me up for adoption. So my parents, who ______on a
waiting list,_____a call in the middle of the night asking: "We _______an
unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They ______"Of course." This was
the start in my life.

5- Narrate a situation on the past;

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