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Wise up extra class

Basic 1
Imagine you are at your first day at school/work and you have to
introduce yourself to your friends/ co-workers.
- greetings
- your name
- your nationality
- your likes and dislikes
- your profession
- talk about your routine;
- your favorite food and your physical and personal characteristics
- ask them to make some questions using Wh questions to let them
know more about yourself;
Wise up extra class
Basic 2
Imagine you are at your first day at school/work and you have to
introduce yourself to your friends/co-workers.
- information about yourself;
- a description about Where you live using There to be + Adjectives;
- mention things about your routine too;
- things your are doing this month;
- ask them to make some questions using Wh questions to let them
know more about yourself;
Wise up extra class
Basic 3
Imagine you are at your first day at school/work and you have to
introduce yourself to your friends/co-workers.
- your professional and educational background;
- talk about your routine some months ago;
- Say the things you did to get Where you are now;
Wise up extra class
Intermediate 1
Imagine you are at your first day at school/work and you have to
introduce yourself to your friends/co-workers.
- things you did before you get this job/ school
- what you were doing while you were looking for this school or
- What will be your skills at school/ work to improve the place Where
you work/ study
- talk a little bit about your plans regarding school/ work and what
you could/ must do to improve as a team;
Wise up extra class
Intermediate 3
Imagine you are at your first day at school/work and you have to
introduce yourself to your friends/co-workers.
- What you have done to get this position or to be at this school;
- activities you have done recently to become a student/ professional
you are now;
- What have you done as a Team to enhace your participation at the
work/ school activities
- What was the best and the worst thing you’ve passed through
before getting here;
Wise up extra class
Advanced 1
Imagine you are at your first day at school/work and you have to
introduce yourself to your friends/co-workers.
- what you had done before you got this job/ school;
- Make a subtle/ emphatic definition about your life before this
moment you’re living by;
- Give some procedures on how to succeed in a good job or school
position as a team;
- try to use passive voice in any moment of your speech;
Wise up extra class
Advanced 2
Imagine you are at your first day at school/work and you have to
introduce yourself to your friends/co-workers.
- what will you have done by the end of the year in this job/ school;
- Imagine you’ve said something ambiguous and you have to
paraphrase that;
- make some metaphorical definition in your speech;
- use some proverbs while talking to your audience;
- what you should/ must have done to be a good teamplayer;
- report a sentence of someone in your speech to catch your
audience’s attention;

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