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Lesson: Participate in Workplace Communication

Parts of Speech
Sentence Construction
Effective Communication

8 Parts of Speech
Noun - a name of a person, place, thing or idea
Pronoun - used in place of a noun or noun phrase to avoid repetition
Adjective - describes, modifies, or gives more information about a noun or pronoun
Verb - shows an action or state of being
Adverb - modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb, it tells how (often), where, when; may adverbs ends in LY
Preposition - shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word
Conjunction - joins two words, ideas, phrases together and shows how they are connected
Interjection - a word or phrase that expresses a strong emotion, it's a short exclamation

Sentence - a group of words that expresses a complete thought.

Parts of a sentence: A Subject & A Predicate
Subject - is the noun or pronoun about which something is written
Predicate - is the clause that expresses what is said of the subject and usually consists of a verb with or without objects, comp

What is communication?
Communication is more than just your words. It includes: how you say it, why you say it, when you say it, what you don't say,
Types of Communication: Verbal, Non-verbal, Written
Effective Communication combines a set of 4 skills; engaged listening, non-verbal communication, managing stress in the mom
Communication becomes effective when it is continued.

Skill#1 Becoming an engage listener

Focus fully on the speaker
Favor your right ear
Avoid interrupting or trying to redirect the conversation to your concern

Skill#2 Pay attention to non-verbal signals

Facial expressions
Body Languages
Tone of Voice
Eye Contact
Muscles tension and breathing
Skill#3 Keep your stress in check
Quick stress relief for effective communication
Recognize when your becoming stresses
Take a moment to calm down before deciding to continue a conversation or postpone it
Bring your senses to the rescue
Look for humor in the situation
Be willing to compromise
Agree to disagree, if necessary, and take time away from the situation so everyone can calm down

Skill#4 Assert yourself

Value yourself and your options
Know your needs and wants
Express negative thoughts
Reveive feedback positively
Learn to say NO
Lesson: Working in a team environment

Working in a team environment
Practicing career professionalism

What is the positive thing that happened to you today?

What is the challenging thing that happened to you today?
Be Group to THREE 1st group: Infortuna, Tobilla, Ana Gaspay, Francis Gaspay, & Sombise
Each team should be able to build a story line.
Instruction: The 1st person will begin a story with a complete sentence and another incomplete one, and the 2nd person w
person completes the story line.

Yesterday, as I was cleaning my room, I was able to find the 500 peso bill that I had been looking for. I immediately took a
after I found it, I use it. And I buy it TOBILLA
with snacks then I gave some to Francis. But Francis was not contented with it INFORTUNA
so he bought more junkfood. Then, he felt contented GASPAY, ANA
and as I felt contented, I was full. GASPAY, FRANCIS

TEAM - a group of people who comes together to achieve a common goal.

Importance of teamwork in the workplace

Teamwork is efficient work.
Team self-monitor
Team innovate faster
Teammates can learn from each other
Team work promotes strong working relationships

Role & Responsibilities

Role - refers to one's position in a company
Responsibilities - refers to the tasks and duties of a particular position/role

Benefits of functional roles and responsibilities

Increase productivity
Team success
Increase morale and momentum

How to develop functional role & responsibilities

Determine what needs to get done
Identify strength & weaknesses
Refer back to team member's responsibilities
Get feedback

Role & Responsibilities of a Member

Actively participate
Be an active listener
Take notes
Complete tasks and assignments

Why should we have good work relationship

Open Communication

How to build a good relationship at work?

Identify your relationship needs
Develop your people's skills
focus on your emotional intelligence
Practice mindful listening.
Schedule time to build relationships
Manage your boundaries
Appreciate others
Be Positive
Avoid Gossiping

Handling difficult work relationships

Keep friends close, enemies even closer
Know what pushes your button
Save the fight for what matters
Keep a lid on anger
Face Conflict
Lesson: Practice Career Professionalism

Intra and Interpersonal Development
Personal Hygiene praticies
Work values and ethical standards
Professionalism in the workplace
A person will ask another person and the other person would answer back a question directly to the 1st person or to the o

Professional - a member of a profession or any person who earns their living from a specific professional activity
* Self-aware
* Work Attitude
* Manage his appearance well

Intrapersonal Skills - are the internal abilities and behaviors that help you manage emotions, cope with challenges and lear
* examples:
opennes to new ideas
the ability to overcome distractions
time management

Intrapersonal Skills - are the internal abilities and behaviors that help you manage emotions, cope with challenges and lear
* examples:
verbal and written communication

Personal Hygiene Practices

Good personal hygiene is very important in today's society for both health and social reasons. Keeping your hands and bod
simplehabit doesn't just benefit your health - it can help protect those around you too.

Professionalism in the Workplace - is the conduct, behavior and attitude of someone in a work/business environment. A p
qualities and characteristics of a professional. It leads to workplace success, a strong professional reputation and level of w

Ways to show professionalism

1. Workplace rules and expectations
* Follow all imporatant rules in the workplace
* Complete the tasks given
* Understand what's expected of you

2. Personal Responsibility
* Admitting you made a mistake and learning from it
* Taking credit for successful projects
* Following-through on projects or tasks

3. Workplace Ethics - is a set of values, moral principles and standars that need to be followed by both employers and emp
Common Ethical Behaviors
* Obey the company's rules and regulations
* communicate effectively
* develop proffesional relationships
* take responsibility
* professionalism/standards
* be accountable
* uphold trust
* show initiatve without being told
* respect your collegues

Unethical Behaviors
* lying
* taking credit for others hard work
* verbal harassment/abuse
* violence
* non-office related work
* extended breaks
* theft/embezzlement
* sexual harassment
* corrupt practices

Employers Unethical Behaviors

* Sex for Job/Promotion
* Late Night Out/Unpaid Overtime
* Verbal Harassment
* Undue Pressure
* Nepotism
* Unfriendly Work Environment
* Unrealistic Expectations

4. Physical Appearance

5. Language
* Avoid Swearing
* Keep topics at work appropriate

Proffesionalism is not the job you do, it is how you do the job.
Lesson: Making an Essay


When writing coherent essay

Tell what your topic is
Why your writing that certain topic

4 Types of Essays
Narrative - narrates on the subject; based on personal feelings (perception on the object)
Descriptive - describes his subject & tries to paint a picture on the mind of the reader; based on personal feelings (perc
Expository - states the facts (based on the facts that the writer gathered, does not reveal his emotion)
Persuasive - persuades the reader to agree

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