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Data Analysis and

Visualization on Space Race

Submitted by:- Hari Varma Pamudurthi
Reg.No:- 211801380018
Branch:- CSE (Data Science)
• Through this document I would like to present my project “Spacenalyzer”. Spacenalyzer is a
visualization that portrays the data of individual countries space launches. Space research is
rapidly increasing in recent years. In parallel with this, the number of space agencies are
increasing drastically. Thus, keeping a track of the space shuttle launches will be very much
useful. This keeps in track the travel history of various spacecraft’s launched through various
space agencies. Through this I also aim to do a comparison between the space agencies.
• For developing Spacenalyzer I’ll be using python in the frontend and Excel in the backend. Excel
will be used to store, read, and write the data.
• The globe has taken a tremendous interest in trying to travel beyond the planet since since the
USSR launched the first ever artificial satellite into space, known as the Sputnik, at the
beginning of the first world war. The pinnacle of engineering and science, requiring extremely
high levels of both theoretical and experimental study, is rocket science, cosmology, and
• When and where a space launch should occur for it to reach its destination with the least
amount of resistance and with the maximum likelihood of success are decisions that need a lot
of arithmetic. Extreme engineering levels are used at the same time to test the launch vehicles
for potential malfunctions and recreate equivalent space conditions here on Earth. For any of
these space missions to succeed, years of arduous labor, research, and testing are necessary.
• When launches are successful, it gives the country great pride. When the missions fail and
millions of money and national hopes go up in smoke, it is also very depressing. As bizarre as
science is, no notable experiment has ever been conducted without a fair amount of failures.
• I'd want to express my gratitude to the dataset contributor for making the effort to give us with
a fantastic dataset that can be used to analyze the many accomplishments and failures of the
world's space organizations.
Existing System
• There are many other visualizations available on the web for having a proper analysis for the
requirement to be full filled. But I believe that they are outdated and the techniques and
technology used while creating those visualizations are far outdated from what we have today.
Proposed System
• Therefore, given the state of technology now and the changes made to programming languages. In
my visualization I’ve used and added different types of visualization modules and graphs which
weren’t in use previously. The graphs I’ve produces are interactive so that the users can also
operate them. I’ve linked the graphs with an html file so that the user may view the 3D plots with
Hardware Requirements
• Intel Pentium/ core/ i3/i5/i7
• 4 GB/6 GB/8 GB Ram
• Graphics Card (Integrated/dedicated)
• Hard Disk Drive / Solid State Drive
Software Requirements
• Windows 7,8,10,11
• Mac OS
• Linux
• Anaconda (Jupyter notebook)/ Python IDLE/ PyCharm
• Ms Excel
• Any web Browser
• So for performing any visualizations the main thing is the data. These data can be of any type i.e.
raw data, filtered data, selective data etc. A data set (sometimes spelled dataset) is a group of data.
In the case of tabular data, a data set relates to one or more database tables, where each row refers
to a specific record in the corresponding data set and each column to a specific variable.
• The data set includes values for each of the variables, such as the object's height and weight, for
each set member. Data sets can also be made up of a group of files or documents. In my case for
visualizing and analyzing this project I used an already existing dataset which I obtained from a
very trusted website named “kaggle”.
##importing all the modules##

import dash
import as px
import pandas as pd
##Analysis and filtering the data##


df['Launch date']=pd.to_datetime(df['Datum'])
df['Launch date']=df['Launch date'].astype(str)
df['Launch date']=df['Launch date'].str.split(' ',expand=True)[0]
df['Launch date']=pd.to_datetime(df['Launch date'])
df[' Rocket']=df[' Rocket'].str.replace(',','')
df[' Rocket']=df[' Rocket'].astype(float)
df['Status Rocket']=df['Status Rocket'].str.replace('Status','')

##Separating the unique values##



##1) Pie Chart##

fig_pie = px.pie(data_frame=df, names='Status Mission', hole=0.4, template='plotly_dark')
fig_pie.update_layout(title='Rocket Launches Status',title_x=0.5,
annotations=[dict(text='Status',font_size=15, showarrow=False,height=800,width=900)])

##2) Barchart##

df=df.groupby('Status Rocket').count().reset_index()
df=df.rename(columns={"Detail": "Details"}), x='Status Rocket', y='Details', template='plotly_dark', title='Status of rockets Carrying
Pie Chart
Data Set
Bar Chart 3d- Line Plot
Bar Chart
Scatter / Range Plot Sun Burst
Tree Map
• The space is a wide area of exploration which is never ending. So, to study space it is very
important that there is proper equipment and instruments to go ahead with the research and
development work.
• From the foregoing, we can see how crucial data visualization is to all industries, as well as its
advantages and many methods for creating visual formats. Without this crucial step, analytics
cannot process any future steps. I therefore draw the conclusion that data visualization can be used
in any industry or profession. Data visualization is also necessary because the vast majority of
massive, unstructured data cannot be comprehended by human minds alone. These data sets must
be transformed into a format that we can easily comprehend. To discover trends and linkages,
graphs and maps are essential if we are to gain understanding and reach a more accurate
• Graphs and charts help us convey data results so that we can spot patterns and trends, gain
understanding, and swiftly arrive at smarter conclusions. The significance of data visualization and
what it means to our clients must be understood by us. To help customers visualize their data in an
understandable and relevant way, we should offer them appealing and user-friendly visualization
capabilities and tools.
• Kaggle (
• W3School (
• Stack Overflow (
• Tutorials point (
• Plotly (
• Pandas (

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