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The Early

Models of the
The Flat Earth
The Spherical Earth
• Ferdinand
Magellan (1480-
-given credit for
the world proving
that earth is not
Different Models of the Universe
Eudoxus of Cnidus
- the first to
explain the retrograde
motion of the planets
in the sky
• He perceived that
the earth is the
center of the
universe and is
• He believed earth is
too big to move
Aristarchus of Samos
• A Greek astronomer
who made the first
attempt to create a
heliocentric model
• He proposed that the
sun and fixed stars are
at rest and the earth
revolved around the sun
in a fixed circular path
Claudius Ptolemaeus
• Proposed the
Ptolemaic Universe
• It is assumed that the
Earth is the center of
the universe, while
other celestial bodies
revolved around
earth in constant
Nicolaus Copernicus
• A Polish astronomer
• Revived the heliocentric
model of Aristarchus
• He strongly believed in
the heliocentric model
because there are
loopholes in the
Ptolemaic model

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