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am as

rts of
uct or
A marketing opportunity is a qualified sales lead identified by a sales team as
someone in need of a product or service. Marketing possibilities lay the
groundwork for sales and are more likely to result in a successfully closed
deal. Marketing possibilities are sometimes more qualified than other sorts of
sales leads since the customer has a problem for which you have a solution
and the client has proven they have the resources to purchase that product or
solution. However, no matter how appealing a product or service is, not
everyone will buy it, which is why it is critical to find and capitalize on
marketing possibilities.
A marketing opportunity is a qualified sales lead
identified by a sales team as someone in need of a
am as product or service. Marketing possibilities lay the
groundwork for sales and are more likely to result
ed in a successfully closed deal. Marketing
rts of possibilities are sometimes more qualified than
tion other sorts of sales leads since the customer has
uct or
a problem for which you have a solution and the
client has proven they have the resources to
purchase that product or solution.However, no
matter how appealing a product or service is, not
everyone will buy it, which is why it is critical to
find and capitalize on marketing possibilities.
am as

rts of
uct or
• One advantage of marketing opportunity
am as is that it allows businesses to identify and
ed capitalize on new trends, demands, and
rts of market gaps. By identifying these
uct or
opportunities, businesses can tailor their
products or services to meet the needs of
customers, ultimately increasing their
chances of success and profitability.
On the other hand, a disadvantage of marketing
opportunity is that it can be a time-consuming
and costly process. It requires thorough
research, analysis, and planning to identify and
pursue the right opportunities. Additionally, there
is always a risk involved in entering new markets
or introducing new products, as there may be
uncertainties and challenges that can impact the
success of the opportunity.
• Consumer analysis is the process of understanding and examining consumer
behavior, preferences, and needs in order to make informed business decisions.
It involves gathering and analyzing data to gain insights into consumer
demographics, buying patterns, motivations, and perceptions.
3. Competitive Advantage: By analyzing consumer behavior,
businesses can gain a competitive edge over their rivals. They 2. Product Development: Consumer analysis provides valuable insights into what
can identify gaps in the market, understand consumer trends, consumers want and need. This information can be used to develop and improve products
or services, ensuring they align with consumer expectations and demands.
and develop unique selling propositions that set them apart
from their competitors.

1.Targeted Marketing: Consumer analysis helps businesses

identify their target audience and tailor their marketing
strategies accordingly. By understanding consumer preferences
and behavior, businesses can create personalized and effective
marketing campaigns.
3. Ethical Concerns: Consumer analysis involves collecting
2. Data Accuracy: Consumer analysis relies on collecting accurate and reliable data.
personal information about individuals. Businesses need to However, data collection methods, such as surveys or interviews, may be subject to biases
handle this data with care, ensuring they comply with privacy or inaccuracies. Businesses need to ensure the data they collect is representative of their
laws and regulations. There may be ethical concerns regarding target audience..
the collection and use of consumer data..

1. Cost and Time: Conducting consumer analysis can be a time-

consuming and costly process. It requires resources to collect,
analyze, and interpret data. Small businesses or those with
limited budgets may find it challenging to invest in extensive
consumer analysis.
Overall, consumer analysis
provides valuable insights that
can drive business success.
However, it's essential to
consider the costs, data accuracy,
and ethical implications
associated with conducting
consumer analysis.
Consumer analysis involves
studying and understanding the
behavior, preferences, and needs
of your target audience. By • On the other hand, identifying marketing
analyzing consumer data, you opportunities involves recognizing and
can gain insights into their capitalizing on trends, gaps in the market, or
demographics, psychographics, emerging customer needs. It's about finding
untapped market segments or developing
buying patterns, and
innovative solutions to address consumer pain
motivations. This information points. By identifying these opportunities, you
helps you create effective can gain a competitive advantage and drive
marketing strategies and tailor business growth.
your products or services to meet
consumer demands.
Strategic marketing is a process of planning, developing
and implementing maneuvers to obtain a competitive edge in
your chosen niche.

Having a marketing process help you to set measurable

goals, minimize risks, track your process, and revise and revisit
whenever need it.
How to create a strategic marketing process?
√ analyzing your market
√ identifying your costumers requirements
√ developing a set of marketing tactics

Creating this process entails five steps as follow:

1. State the Mission of Your Company
2. Analyze Your Market
3. Devise a Marketing Plan
4. Customize a Marketing Mix
5. Implement, Improvise and Iterate
STEP 1: State The Mission Of Your Company

HERE, you also mention your company’s VALUE PROPORTIONS,

GOALS, and OBJECTIVES to explain the purpose of your business and
how it helps your target costumers.
STEP 2: Analyze Your Market

This analysis will give you a clear view of the market and help you
understand your Strengths, Weaknesses, and assist you in developing
Counteractive Measures.

Before you start writing your strategic marketing process, you need to first
• Study your industry
• Define your market
• SWOT analysis
STEP 3: Devise a Marketing Plan

Create detailed customer profiles along with specifying their needs and
plan how to market your product or services to your target customers.

Before you begin developing a marketing plan it is beneficial to specify

for you.
STEP 4: Customize a Marketing Mix

This is a commonly used marketing strategy tool which involves four

main tactics called 4Ps, which are PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION,
and PLACE.
STEP 5: Implement, Improvise and Iterate

In this stage, put all the above strategies together and launch your strategic
marketing process.
A strategic marketing process is a
Dynamic and can be Revised
multiple times, whenever required.
• To identify and define the mission statement of
your company and explains why a company is in
business and how it can benefit consumers.

Davhon B. Bojos
Introduction Importance of Situation Analysis

Components of Situation Analysis Data Source

SWOT Analysis Conclusion


Definition of Situation Analysis

Situation analysis is the systematic process of
assessing and evaluating a business's current position
within its market environment. It involves a
comprehensive examination of both internal factors,
such as the company's strengths and weaknesses, and
external factors, including market trends, competition,
and regulatory influences. This process aims to
provide a clear and holistic understanding of where
the business stands in relation to its competitors and
market conditions.
Importance of Situation Analysis

Foundation for Informed Risk Mitigation:

Decisions: • It helps in identifying potential risks and

• Situation analysis serves as the threats in the market environment.

• This knowledge allows businesses to
foundation for informed decision-
making in marketing management. proactively address challenges, reduce

• It ensures that decisions are based on a risks, and enhance their resilience.

deep understanding of the business's

current position in the market.
Importance of Situation Analysis

Opportunity Strategic Alignment:

Identification: • It ensures that marketing strategies are

• Situation analysis uncovers aligned with the business's strengths and

opportunities that might otherwise go market conditions.

• This alignment increases the likelihood
• By understanding market trends and of successful strategy execution.

consumer behavior, businesses can

capitalize on emerging opportunities and
gain a competitive advantage.
Importance of Situation Analysis

Resource Allocation: Competitive Advantage:

• Businesses can allocate resources • Situation analysis enables businesses to

effectively by prioritizing initiatives that understand their competitive position.

• Armed with this knowledge, they can
are well-supported by the analysis.
• It prevents the wastage of resources on differentiate themselves effectively and

strategies that may not be viable in the develop strategies to outperform

current market context. competitors.

Importance of Situation Analysis

Customer-Centric Adaptation to Change:

Approach: • In today's rapidly changing business

• It fosters a customer-centric approach by landscape, situation analysis helps

businesses adapt and respond to market
providing insights into customer
shifts and disruptions.
preferences, needs, and behaviors.
• This information is invaluable for
tailoring marketing efforts to meet
customer expectations.
Importance of Situation Analysis

Strategic Planning and Long-

Performance Evaluation:
Term Sustainability:
• It serves as a benchmark for assessing
the success of marketing initiatives. • For long-term sustainability and growth,
• By comparing actual outcomes with the businesses need to regularly conduct
analysis, businesses can refine their situation analysis.
strategies over time. • It supports the development of robust,
forward-looking strategies that
anticipate market developments.
Components of Situation Analysis

• External Environment Analysis:

• Market Size and Growth: Provide data on the market's size and growth rate.
• Demographics: Share key demographic information relevant to the business.
• Economic Factors: Highlight economic trends affecting the market.
• Technological Trends: Discuss technological advancements impacting the industry.
• Legal and Regulatory Factors: Mention any relevant laws or regulations.
• Social and Cultural Factors: Explain societal influences on the market.
Components of Situation Analysis

2. Internal Environment Analysis:

• Company's Strengths: List the business's strengths.
• Company's Weaknesses: Identify weaknesses.
• Marketing Efforts and Performance: Assess the current marketing strategies and their
Components of Situation Analysis

2. Internal Environment Analysis:

• Company's Strengths: List the business's strengths.
• Company's Weaknesses: Identify weaknesses.
• Marketing Efforts and Performance: Assess the current marketing strategies and their
Data Sources

Market Research: Surveys:

• Primary Research: Conduct surveys,
• Design and distribute surveys to target
interviews, or focus groups to collect
audiences to collect specific information
firsthand data directly from customers,
regarding their preferences, behaviors,
stakeholders, or target audiences.
and opinions.
• Secondary Research: Utilize existing data
• Online survey platforms and tools can
sources such as industry reports, government
be effective for reaching a wider
publications, and academic studies to gather
valuable insights about the market.
Data Sources

Industry Reports: Competitor Websites:

• Access industry-specific reports and
• Analyze the websites and online
publications from reputable sources like
presence of key competitors.
market research firms, industry associations,
• This can provide insights into their
and government agencies.
product offerings, pricing strategies,
• These reports often provide valuable data on
customer reviews, and marketing
market size, trends, and competitive analysis.
Data Sources

Internal Company Data: Online Analytics Tools:

• Utilize data collected from your own
• Use online analytics tools like Google
company's operations and customer
Analytics to gather data about website
traffic, user behavior, and conversion
• This may include sales data, customer
feedback, website analytics, and social media
• Social media analytics platforms can
provide insights into customer
engagement and sentiment.
Data Sources

Customer Relationship Focus Groups:

Management (CRM) • Organize focus group sessions with a

Systems: small group of representative

participants to gather in-depth
• Leverage CRM systems to track customer
qualitative insights.
interactions, preferences, and purchase
• This approach can help uncover nuances
that quantitative data may miss.
• This data can be valuable for understanding
customer behavior and tailoring marketing
Data Sources

Trend Analysis: Supplier and Partner Data:

• Monitor trends in social media, news outlets, • Collaborate with suppliers, distributors,
and industry publications to stay informed and business partners to gather data on
about emerging market developments and supply chain efficiency, market trends,
consumer sentiment. and customer demands.

Government Data:
• Access economic and demographic data provided by government agencies, which can offer
insights into macroeconomic conditions and regulatory changes.
SWOT Analysis

Definition of SWOT Analysis:

• SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate a business's internal strengths
(S) and weaknesses (W), as well as external opportunities (O) and threats (T). It helps
organizations gain insights into their current position and make informed decisions.
• SWOT analysis helps businesses align their strategies by leveraging strengths and
opportunities while addressing weaknesses and threats. It's a versatile tool that aids in
strategic decision-making and planning for future growth.
In today's fast-paced business world, situation analysis in marketing management
serves as the compass guiding us through the ever-changing market landscape. It
empowers us to make informed decisions, capitalize on opportunities, mitigate risks,
and adapt strategies for success. By comprehensively assessing our internal strengths
and weaknesses and staying attuned to external market trends and competitors, we
equip ourselves to navigate the challenges and seize the possibilities that lie ahead. As
we conclude, remember that situation analysis isn't just a process; it's the cornerstone
of effective marketing management, providing the clarity needed to thrive in an ever-
evolving marketplace.
Objective Setting
Davhon B. Bojos

Importance of Types of Marketing

Objective Setting
Objectives Objectives

SMART Criteria for Examples of

Objective Setting Marketing Objectives
Objective Setting
Objective setting in strategic marketing is the process of defining
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART) goals and targets that pertain specifically to a
company's marketing efforts and are aligned with its overall
business strategy. These marketing objectives are essential for
guiding and directing marketing activities, campaigns, and
initiatives to ensure they contribute effectively to the
organization's broader goals and success in the marketplace.
Importance of Objectives
Direction and Focus

Clear objectives provide a well-defined direction for marketing

efforts. They specify what the marketing team aims to achieve,
ensuring that everyone is on the same page and focused on a common
goal. Without clear objectives, marketing activities can become
disjointed and lack purpose.
Importance of Objectives
Direction and Focus

Clear objectives provide a well-defined direction for marketing

efforts. They specify what the marketing team aims to achieve,
ensuring that everyone is on the same page and focused on a common
goal. Without clear objectives, marketing activities can become
disjointed and lack purpose.
Importance of Objectives
Measurement of Success

Clear objectives are quantifiable and measurable. They establish

specific criteria for success, allowing marketers to track progress and
determine whether their efforts are effective. Measuring success is
essential for making data-driven decisions and improving marketing
strategies over time.
Importance of Objectives
Resource Allocation

Objectives guide the allocation of resources, including budget,

manpower, and time. When objectives are well-defined, resources can
be allocated to activities that directly contribute to achieving those
objectives. This prevents wasteful spending on initiatives that do not
align with the desired outcomes.
Importance of Objectives

Marketing objectives help prioritize tasks and projects. When

objectives are clear, marketers can identify which activities are most
critical for reaching those objectives and allocate resources
accordingly. This prevents spreading resources too thin across too
many initiatives.
Importance of Objectives
Alignment with Business Goals

Effective marketing is closely aligned with an organization's broader

business goals. Clear marketing objectives ensure that marketing
efforts are synchronized with the company's mission, vision, and
strategic priorities. This alignment strengthens the organization's
overall strategy.
Importance of Objectives
Motivation and Accountability

Well-defined objectives create a sense of purpose and motivation

among marketing teams. Team members understand their roles and
responsibilities in achieving the objectives, which fosters
accountability. People are more likely to take ownership of their tasks
when they know they are contributing to a specific goal.
Importance of Objectives
Adaptability and Flexibility

Clear objectives are not set in stone. They can be adapted or adjusted
as market conditions change. This flexibility allows marketers to
respond to shifts in consumer behavior, market trends, or competitive
pressures while staying aligned with their overarching goals.
Importance of Objectives
Communication and Collaboration

Clear objectives facilitate communication both within the marketing

team and across departments. When objectives are transparent, it
becomes easier to coordinate efforts, share progress updates, and
collaborate with other teams, such as sales, product development, and
customer support.
Importance of Objectives
Risk Mitigation

By setting clear objectives, organizations can identify potential risks

and challenges early in the planning process. This proactive approach
enables them to develop contingency plans and mitigate risks
effectively, reducing the likelihood of setbacks.
Importance of Objectives
Customer-Centric Approach

Clear objectives often involve a deep understanding of the target

audience. This customer-centric approach ensures that marketing
efforts are tailored to meet customer needs and preferences, ultimately
enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Types of Marketing Objectives
Financial objectives

Customer-focused objectives

Brand awareness and reputation objectives

Product and innovation objectives

SMART Criteria for Objective Setting

SMART criteria are a set of guidelines

that are used to make objectives more 30

effective and meaningful. The SMART

acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, 20
Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
When applied to setting objectives, these
criteria help ensure that objectives are
well-defined and increase the likelihood
of successful goal attainment. 0

fi c











Examples of Marketing Objectives

Here are a few real-world examples of marketing objectives that different types
of businesses might set:
• E-commerce Retailer:
• Objective: Increase online sales revenue.
⚬ Specific: Achieve a 15% increase in online sales revenue.
⚬ Measurable: Track revenue growth through the e-commerce platform.
⚬ Achievable: Implement targeted online advertising campaigns and
optimize the website for user experience.
⚬ Relevant: Align with the company's overall goal of becoming a leading e-
commerce retailer.
⚬ Time-bound: Achieve the 15% increase within the next fiscal year.
Examples of Marketing Objectives

Here are a few real-world examples of marketing objectives that different types
of businesses might set:
2. Fast Food Chain:
• Objective: Boost customer loyalty and repeat business.
• Specific: Increase customer retention rates by 20%.
• Measurable: Track the percentage of returning customers and their
frequency of visits.
• Achievable: Launch a customer loyalty program and offer promotions to
incentivize repeat visits.
• Relevant: Align with the company's goal to enhance customer relationships.
• Time-bound: Achieve the 20% increase within the next year.
In conclusion, objective setting is the cornerstone of
effective strategic marketing. As we've explored throughout
this presentation, setting clear and SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives
is not just a formality; it is the key to achieving success in
the dynamic and competitive world of marketing.
Thank You
is a business growth strategy that focuses on
introducing existing products to new markets.
Companies often use market development
strategies to identify and develop new
opportunities to sell their products in previously
unexplored markets.
is the process of determining the
effectiveness of a given strategy in
achieving the organizational
objectives and taking corrective
actions whenever required.

• reviewing external and internal

factors that are the basis for
current strategies
• measuring performance
• taking corrective actions

• Cost Leadership

• Differentiation

• Focused
Cost leadership

• Cost leadership is a competitive strategy that involves having the lowest cost of operation in
the industry123. A company that uses cost leadership aims to be the cheapest manufacturer
or provider of a product or service in the market2. To achieve cost leadership, a company
must work on reducing cost at every level, increasing productivity and efficiency,
eliminating waste, or controlling costs
• Differentiated marketing strategy, also known as multi-segment marketing, enables a
company to appeal to multiple customer segments and target groups with a different
marketing message for each. It is a combination of both concentrated marketing and
undifferentiated marketing.
• Marketing majors study the branding and promotion of products and services to the public1.
They learn about advertising, communications, consumer behavior, public relations, and
marketing strategy and research1. There are several types of marketing majors, including:
• BBA with marketing concentration: Students learn broadly about business, including sales,
customer management, and finance, with several courses focused on marketing.
• BS or BA in marketing: Students learn about marketing with several courses focused on
business, sales, customer management, and related topic.
• Bachelor’s in marketing: Students learn about business, finance, advertising, sales, and
• Bachelor’s in business with a marketing concentration
• Bachelor’s in advertising and public relationship
Forward Integration
Forward Integration is a business strategy that involves a form
of downstream vertical integration whereby the company owns
and controls business activities that are ahead in the value chain
of it’s industry, this might include among others direct
distribution or supply of the company’s product.
Benefits of Forward Integration:

- Increase the company’s market share.

- Gain control over distribution channels.
- Competitive advantage.
- Create barriers to potential competitors
• Backward integration is a type of vertical integration and M&A corporate finance strategy in
which businesses acquire or merge with raw materials inventory or
parts suppliers in their supply chain. The companies then own and produce these earlier-
stage inputs vs. buy them from outside companies in the supply chain.
• Better control
• Securing a supply of needed raw materials for a product
• Reducing costs through economies of scale
• Eliminating inefficiencies
• Gaining in-house technology skills for competitive advantage and differentiation
• Backward integration is an M&A strategy that can reduce cash, add debt, or dilute
shareholders through new share issuance. But the buying company gains new revenue,
greater control over its products, and ability to save costs later. Backward integration can be
used to reduce product costs, increase quality, and improve availability of raw materials and
work-in-process inventory for manufacturing.
• Backward integration is an important part of the business model. It uses a vertical integration
strategy to ensure your company has an adequate and timely supply of raw materials.
Backward integration can improve control, efficiency, and quality of raw materials, reducing
costs to increase profitability from finished goods sales.
• This increased control in manufacturing results in better inventory availability for customer
sales. It makes your company more stable with fewer operational disruptions from raw
inventory delays. Backward integration is a strategy that all growing companies, including
those planning on going public eventually, should consider.
• typical example of a vertically integrated company, like Starbucks, for instance, integrates
backward by owning its equipment, storage, and roasting facilities, as well as maintaining
direct relationships with its coffee growers, thus controlling its entire manufacturing process.

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