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Canterbury Tales
Presented by
• Conda Joshua Ivan L.
• Estares Abigail
• Apon Charlene Quejada
1 Setting &
Cinematography 3 Plot (Summary)
5 Theme

2 Characterization &
Acting 4 Lessons Learned
6 Special Attraction

7 Personal Opinion/ Views

I. Setting &

The Knight's Tale is set in the Middle

Ages, in the kingdom of Athens. The
film uses a variety of cinematic
techniques to create a realistic and
immersive setting, including wide shots
of castles and battlefields, close-ups of
characters' faces, and elaborate
costumes and sets.
II. Characterization &
The characters in “The Knight's Tale” are well-developed
and believable.
• Arcite:
- He's a brave and noble knight, a prisoner of war in Athens.

- He falls deeply in love with Emelye, which leads to a

rivalry with his cousin Palamon.
- He's determined and resourceful, managing to escape
from prison and eventually winning Emelye's hand in
marriage, although fate has a different plan for him.
II. Characterization &
• Emelye:
- She's the sister of Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons.
- She's extremely beautiful, and her beauty is what causes
the conflict between Arcite and Palamon.
- She's kind-hearted and wishes for a simple life, rather than
being the cause of strife.
II. Characterization &
• Palamon:
- Just like Arcite, he's a knight and a prisoner in Athens.
- He also falls in love with Emelye, which causes a feud
between him and Arcite.
- He's loyal and passionate, and despite losing the battle to
Arcite, he ultimately gets to marry Emelye.
II. Characterization &
• Saturn (Zeus):

- In the tale, he's the god who brings about Arcite's

downfall, ensuring that justice is served.
• Mars (Aries):

- The god of war, he's the one Arcite prays to for victory in
the battle against Palamon.
• Venus (Aphrodite):
- The goddess of love, she's the one Palamon prays to for
winning Emelye's love.
III. Plot (Summary)

The Knight's Tale is a story about love, rivalry, and the power of fate.
Palamon and Arcite, two cousins, fall in love with the same woman,
Emelye. They are both imprisoned in a tower, but Arcite is eventually
released and goes into exile. Palamon escapes from prison and goes
after Arcite. The two men agree to settle their rivalry in a jousting
tournament. Arcite wins the first round, but he is fatally injured in an
accident. Before he dies, he gives his blessing to Palamon and Emelye
to marry.

1. The Power of Destiny

2. Love Can Be a Battlefield
3. Chivalry and Honor
"The Knight's Tale" reveals how destiny governs our lives despite efforts to
control it, illustrates love as a catalyst for rivalry and strife, and underscores the
importance of upholding chivalry and honor, even in the face of conflict.
1. Courtly Love: The story revolves around the concept
of courtly love, a common theme in medieval literature.
This form of love often involves a knight's undying love
for a lady, which we see in both Palamon and Arcite's
love for Emily.

2. Fate and Free Will: A recurring theme is the struggle

between fate and free will. The knights' lives are heavily
influenced by destiny, yet they also make choices that
affect their outcomes. This theme invites us to ponder the
extent of our control over our lives.
3. Chivalry: The theme of chivalry is prominent, with the
knights adhering to the code of chivalry despite their
rivalry. It highlights the societal expectations of knights
during the Middle Ages.

4. Divine Intervention: Throughout the tale, the gods play

a significant role in shaping the lives of the characters.
From Venus helping Palamon win Emily's love to Mars
assisting Arcite in the battle, the theme of divine
intervention is prevalent. This theme suggests that the
gods, or divine forces, can directly influence human
VI. Special Attraction
The compelling depiction of the medieval era
and the enthralling tale in the film "Canterbury
Tales: Episode 1: The Knight Tale" are what
make it remarkable. The movie immerses
viewers in the realm of knights, chivalry, and
courtly love while taking place against the
historical background of Canterbury.
VI. Special Attraction
The film presents an exceptional chance to
experience the splendor of medieval fighting as well as
the intricate social relationships and love aspirations of
that era. The picture offers an entertaining cinematic
experience that mixes action, romance, and historical
intrigue with a gripping storyline that is focused on the
adventures and struggles experienced by the honorable
VII. Personal Opinion/ Views
In our opinion, "Canterbury Tales: Episode 1: The
Knight Tale" is an incredible movie that beautifully
captures the essence of the medieval era. From the
stunning visuals depicting the grandeur of Canterbury
to the intricate details of knights, chivalry, and courtly
love, the film transports viewers to a captivating world.
The storyline is engrossing, with unexpected twists and
turns that keep you on the edge of your seat.
VII. Personal Opinion/ Views
The action sequences are spectacular, showcasing
the intensity and skill of medieval fighting. Moreover,
the exploration of social relationships and love
aspirations of the era adds depth and emotion to the
narrative. Through its compelling focus on the
adventures and struggles of honorable knights, the
movie manages to evoke a sense of admiration and
respect for these characters.

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