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blind spot a subject or area in which someone's ability to understand is weak or lacking

pet peeves something that a particular person finds especially annoying

Barricading to block anyone from reaching a place

Hostile unfriendly and not liking something

Paralanguage the ways in which people show what they mean other than by the words they use, for example by their tone
of voice, or by making sounds with the breath

Proxemics It deals with the amount of space that people feel is necessary to set between themselves and others.

Impeccably perfect, with no problems or bad parts

long-winded speech, letter, article, etc. is too long or uses too many words

string of questions a series of related things or events

kiss-ass to be very nice to people in authority because you want them to help you

embellishing to make something more beautiful by adding something to it

Bloodbath a notably fierce, violent, or destructive contest or struggle

Indulging to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is
good for you

adding fuel to the fire to make an argument or bad situation worse

Slandering a false spoken statement about someone that damages their reputation

Courteous /ˈkɝː.t̬i.əs/ polite and showing respect

Lavish large in quantity and expensive or impressive

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