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XY Pharmaceutical Company

Vision: Competent, comprehensive healthcare

.system and products in Egypt
To be one of the top ten pharmaceutical company
in Egypt
Mission: providing our patient with high quality
Values: The right of healthy life and the receipt of
affordable, high quality healthcare are basic
.human rights
Strengths Weakness
High Quaility Products No Clear Passway for the Empolyee
Fair Price Control over the channel of distribution
Multi Channel of Distribution .quaility of the Medical Rep
Diversity products No aliment between departments
HR Department is small and weak

Opportunities Threats
Growth of the market Increasing No. of comptitors
open of abig new private
hospitals Activities of Compititors
Increase the purchasing power Compansation and benefits of other companies in the
of the ministry of Health field is much more than our company
HR Department
Very small department only responsible for recruitment, -
.and firing of the employees
.Plan: No clear plan for the HR Department -
.Corporate Strategy: no aliment with the HR Department -
Compensation and Benefit: approximately 80% of -
.employees take only (D1)
Performance: The items to measure the performances -
.of employees are very limited, small and not clear
Training: for more than 2 years no training holds for the -

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