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Tomato Mosaic

Tobamovirus Disease
This disease is widespread in distribution and
as known to occur wherever tomato is
The disease reduces plant vigor and yield by 3
to 25%.
 Appearance of pale and dark green mosaic pattern on
the leaves of infected plant.
 Young leaves are malformed; some time stunted and
may become fern-shaped.
 Necrosis of leaves, stem, petiole and some time fruits
may be seen.
 Necrosis is more severe in mixed infection.
 Infected plants may remain stunted.
 The casual virus---tomato mosaic Tobamovirus. Virus
particles are rigid rods of 300 X 18 nm.
They contain single stranded RNA of 2000 KDa and a coat
protein of a single polypeptide of 21 kDa. Thermal

Inactivation point of the sap is 80 to 90 C'.

Dilution and point is 1 X 10 -5 to 1 X 10 -6
and the longevity in vitro is several
months at 24"C. serologically particle are
.actively immunuogenic
The Dieses cycle
infected seeds and plants are important
sources of inoculum in nature. Infected
seeds usually transmit the virus year after
year ensuring s permanent disease cycle.
Further spread of disease takes place
through mechanical means especially
during transplanting by handling and
cultural operations.
 (1) clean and healthy seeds should be sown.
Before sowing, seeds should be disinfected by
soaking in 10% (W/v) trisodium phosphate (Na3
PO4 ) solution for 20 minutes to eliminate
external seed infections. (2) Management of
the daises through cross protection and.
 (3) Use of resistant/tolerant cultivars should be
preferred form economic management of the

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