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Perspective leadership

refers to leader’s ability to align their personal

vision, to lead authentically, whilst aligned to
the organizational values and cultural norms in
the organizational.
Characteristics of a leader as influences
and supervisor include
 Creativity
 Active listening and observation
 Strong teamwork skills
 Flexibility and Adaptability
 Respect for everyone
 Resourceful and determined
 Values each member of their team equally
 Shows respect and consideration to both management and employees
Here are five tips on how to show respect in the workplace:

1. Encourage people to give and receive productive feedback to acknowledge employee strengths and help coworkers improve weaknesses.
2. Always give team members your full attention.
3. Recognize employee achievements more often.
4. Empathize with your teammates and understand that life happens.
5. Never call anyone a name they don't like or make fun of their identity.
 Capable of giving employees both positive feedback and constructive criticism
Example of positive feedback:
1. When your employee reaches or surpass a goal.
2. When your employee takes initiative.
3. When your employee goes the extramile.
4. When your employee helps their coworkers.
5. When your employee needs a confidence boost.
6. When your employee overcomes a challenge.
7. When your employee introduces new ideas.
 Handles in – office conflict quickly and fairly
Here are some ways to manage office conflict: Foster relationships with colleagues.
• Use effective communication to maintain a solution-oriented mindset.
• Learn to listen to coworkers.
• Act and react objectively in the workplace.
• Identify recurring conflict situations.
• Remember that conflict isn’t always a bad thing.
• Learn to recognize common causes of conflict.
• Put early warning systems in place.

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