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for life
What is physical activity?

To consider something physical activity, it should

work your muscles, and require more energy than
Why is physical activity important?
Physical activity is important to all age
groups for many reasons.

Physical benefits: social benefits:

• Reduced obesity, • Make new friends/ Emotional benefits:
builds muscle strengthen existing • Improves confidence, self-esteem, and
• Improves bone friendships happiness (endorphins)
strength • Develop social skills • Improves concentration
• Reduces chance of • Bridges cultural boundaries • Improves academic performance
illness and disease
Australian guidelines for physical activity
The Australian Guidelines for Physical Activity, recommends that
school-aged children and adolescents participate in a minimum of 60
minutes of physical activity every day. This can be built up throughout
the day and can be made up of a variety of moderate to vigorous

Where children have been inactive, it is recommended to start with moderate

activity, of 30 minutes per day, and build it up gradually.

Some strategies the teens could use to meet

these guidelines are incidental exercise; e.g.
taking stairs instead of elevators, riding/
walking to school. Exercise with friends or
family to help you stay motivated, or
increasing activity times and
intensity gradually.
Individual training Community training
• Schools and workplaces to
• Break up exercise into smaller introduce mandatory daily
sessions throughout the day physical activity

• Free gym entrance once a

• Reduce screen time month

• More HPE lessons at school

• Exercise with a friend or family
• Government to reduce prices
of gyms and sports clubs
• Take the stairs instead of an • Advertisements to promote
escalator/elevator healthy living choices

• Go for a daily walk

The two types of fitness

These components can be divided into two groups:

Health Related Components: Focuses on improving health and
preventing diseases like obesity and diabetes.

Skill Related Components: Focuses on producing an

effective performance in sporting activities.
Fitness components & types
Skill related
Health Related Balance
Aerobic Capacity
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Muscular Power
Body Composition
COMPONENTS Muscular Strength:
the force that a
muscle or group of
muscles can exert in
a single maximal Muscular Endurance: the ability
contraction, e.g. to work a muscle for long
Fitness is not a single lifting a heavy periods of time, e.g. jogging
factor but a combination weight once. 5km.
of a number of different
components which when
developed lead to overall
Aerobic Capacity: the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to
working muscles. The better your aerobic capacity, the longer you can exercise
without getting tired.

Flexibility: the ability to put a joint or muscle group through a wide range of motion .

Muscular Power: the ability to use strength quickly to produce a powerful effort e.g. a cricket bowl.
Speed: the ability to move your body quickly.
Agility: the ability to change
directions quickly and with

Coordination: the ability to use

your senses to perform a
movement with control, e.g.
hand-eye coordination.

Balance: the ability to maintain

body stability while moving or

Body Composition: the

percentage of body fat and lean
muscle compared to total body
Health & skill Fitness test Result Rating
related fitness

Cardio-vascular Beep test 2.4 H

3 minute step up 180BPM H
Cardio-vascular test
60 second sit up
Muscular endurance
Wall squat L 34 R41
Muscular endurance
Sit and reach 12 12
Stork stand
40m sprint 8 sec 8 sec
10m shuttle run 13.94 sec 13.94 sec
Standing long
Muscular power jump

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