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Entrepreneur :
Characteristics of an
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

• Visionary: Business owners frequently have a distinct

idea of what they hope to accomplish.

• Risk-Taker: Since entrepreneurship entails uncertainty,

being willing to take measured risks is essential.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
• Innovative: Creative and always on the lookout for fresh
concepts to develop or enhance goods or services,
entrepreneurs are.

• Resilient: Overcoming obstacles requires toughness since

facing setbacks is a typical occurrence.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

• Adaptable: Successful businesspeople are able to change

course and adjust to evolving market conditions.

• Leadership Qualities: Entrepreneurs frequently guide and

motivate people to strive toward a common objective.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

• Decision-Maker: In the fast-paced world of business, making

decisions quickly and effectively is crucial.

• Proactive: Rather than waiting for chances, entrepreneurs

actively seek them out.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
• Decision-Maker: In the fast-paced world of business, making
decisions quickly and effectively is crucial.

• Proactive: Rather than waiting for chances, entrepreneurs

actively seek them out.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
• Networking Proficiency: Establishing and preserving important
relationships can help a business succeed.

• Passion: Sincere enthusiasm for their venture or concept

drives diligent work and prolonged study.
“The best way to predict the future
is to create it.”

—Peter Ducker
Entrepreneur :
Entrepreneur’s Role
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
• An innovator is someone who brings novel concepts, goods,
or services to the market.

• Leader: Giving the group direction, inspiration, and advice.

• Risk manager: Evaluating and controlling business-related

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

• Decision-Maker: Formulating strategic choices for the

venture's expansion and advancement.

• Marketer: developing and putting into action plans to

advertise the company.

• Managing finances: including resource allocation and

budgeting, is the responsibility of the *Financial Manager.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
• Negotiator: Holding discussions with partners, suppliers,
and stakeholders.
• Problem Solver The ability to identify problems and come
up with workable solutions.
• Customer Relations: Creating and preserving a good
rapport with clients.
• Visionary Planner: formulating and expressing a
business's long-term vision.
“Every time you state what you want or
believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a
message to both you and others about
what you think is possible. Don’t put a
ceiling on yourself.”
—Oprah Winfrey
Entrepreneur :
Entrepreneur’s Role
Types of Entrepreneur

Serial Entrepreneur: Social Entrepreneur:

Takes part in several Focuses on achieving
business endeavors financial objectives in
over time. addition to making a
social or environmental
Types of Entrepreneur

Small Business Corporate Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur: (Intrapreneur):
Runs and oversees a small Promotes fresh
company, frequently ideas and
concentrating on a local inventiveness
within of a bigger
or specialized market.
Types of Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur: Lifestyle Entrepreneur:

Runs and oversees a small Places a high priority

on hobbies outside of
company, frequently
work and respects
concentrating on a local work-life harmony.
or specialized market.
Types of Entrepreneur

Scalable Startup Craftsman

Entrepreneur: Entrepreneur:
Concentrates on Develops a business by
scalability and quick mastering a particular craft
growth within a startup or ability.
Types of Entrepreneur

Social Media
Entrepreneur: Necessity Entrepreneur:
Uses internet channels to Launches a company out
develop a brand and of need, frequently as a
generate revenue. result of a dearth of work
Entrepreneur :
Benefits of Starting Your
Own Business
Benefits of Starting Your Own Business
Independence Financial Gains
Business owners are free to choose Entrepreneurs who are successful
how to run their companies and may experience large financial
make their own judgments. gains.

Innovation Personal Growth

Entrepreneurs are able to introduce Starting and running a company
novel and creative concepts to the can help you advance both
market. professionally and personally.
Benefits of Starting Your Own Business
Flexibility Feeling of Purpose
Entrepreneurs frequently have the Starting something from scratch
freedom to choose their own hours can give one a clear feeling of why
and a flexible workplace. they are doing something.

Job Creation Control

By generating employment Business owners are in charge of
possibilities for others, the operations, strategy, and
entrepreneurs support economic direction of their companies.
Entrepreneur :
Drawbacks of Starting
Your Own Business
Drawbacks of Starting Your Own Business

Financial Uncertainty Long Hours

Financial risks and uncertainty are Entrepreneurs may have to put in a
frequently associated with lot of time and effort, which means
entrepreneurial endeavors. long workdays

Stress and strain Failure danger

Managing a business can involve a Entrepreneurs run the danger of
lot of strain and stress. their businesses failing because
many companies fail.
Drawbacks of Starting Your Own Business

Limited Benefits Isolation

Unlike regular employees, Lacking the companionship of a
entrepreneurs may not have access larger workplace, the
to retirement plans or health entrepreneurial path can be
insurance. isolating.

Balancing Act Market Competition

For entrepreneurs, striking a In crowded industries, in
balance between work and particular, there may be fierce
personal life can be difficult. competition.
The Entrepreneur Small
Business Quotient (ESBQ)
Is an important indicator for determining an
entrepreneur's talents in managing and expanding a small
business. It includes a variety of aspects, including as
strategic vision, financial acumen, risk management, and
flexibility. Entrepreneurs with a high ESBQ are
frequently skilled at overcoming obstacles, spotting
opportunities, and encouraging long-term success. This
indicator is useful for both individuals trying to assess
their entrepreneurial abilities and stakeholders evaluating
the potential success of a small company endeavor.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s
life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the
results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of
other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And
most important, have the courage to follow your heart and
intuition. They somehow already know what you truly
want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
—Steve Jobs

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