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An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (“he

sings loudly”), an adjective (“very tall”), another adverb
(“ended too quickly”), or even a whole sentence
(“Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella.”). Adverbs often
end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as
their adjective counterparts.

Tom did not run badly.

Tom is very tall.

The race finished too quickly.

Fortunately, Lucy recorded Tom’s win.

Adverbs are easy to recognize because they usually end in –ly,
but not always. Some of the most common adverb examples
•really, very
•well, badly
•today, yesterday, everyday, etc.
•sometimes, often, rarely, etc.
•early, late, soon, etc.
•here, there, everywhere, etc.
Adverbs often modify verbs. This means that they describe the
way an action is happening.

Haitham sings loudly in the shower.

My cat waits impatiently for his food.

I will seriously consider your suggestion.

Adverbs can also modify adjectives. An adverb modifying an
adjective generally adds a degree of intensity or some other
kind of qualification to the adjective.

The lake is quite beautiful.

This book is more interesting than the last one.

“Is my singing too loud?” asked Huan.

My cat is incredibly happy to be having his dinner.

We will be slightly late to the meeting.

Choose the correct form (adjective or adverb).

1.John held the plate _________________. (careful / carefully)

2. Julia is a _________________ person. (careful / carefully)
3. I ran _________________ to the station. (quick / quickly)
4. The journey was _________________. (quick / quickly)
5. You look _________________. Didn't you sleep well? (tired / tiredly)
6. The baby rubbed her eyes _________________. (tired / tiredly)
7. She sang _________________. (happy / happily)
8. You sound _________________. (happy / happily)
9. I speak English _________________. (well / good)
10. Her English is _________________. (well / good)
11. She cooks _________________. (terrible / terribly)
12. He is a _________________ cook. (terrible / terribly)
13. The music was _________________. (beautiful / beautifully)
14. She plays the piano _________________. (beautiful /
15. That was a _________________ answer. (clever / cleverly)
16. She answered _________________. (clever / cleverly)
17. Your flat seems _________________ today. (tidy / tidily)
18. He put the dishes away _________________. (tidy / tidily)
19. He spoke _________________. (warm / warmly)
20. She is a very _________________ person. (warm / warmly)
Fill the blanks in the sentences by changing the given adjectives
or the verbs into adverbs.
1.Meera laughed _______ at the kid's jokes. (loud)
2.The soldiers fight at the border front …………… (brave)
3.Our team won the tournament …………….(easy)
4.My boss screamed ……………… at his clerk. (angry)
5.The woman in red dress sang …………………. (sweet)
6.The professor ……………….found a resolution. (clever)
7.We _______ (rare) see rhinos and lions here.
8.My group members are ______(most) non-smokers.
9.I __________(sometime)sing in their group performance.
10.He drank the juice ________(noise) from the juice glass.

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