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● Each year, on the 24th of June,
Romanians celebrate the pagan
holiday of Sânziene.

● Along with the Fates (the first

divine creatures to interact with
humans), Sânzienele are part of the
big, charming family of Iele
(mythical creatures similar to the
Nymphs and Dryads found in Greek
• Although Sânzienele are always kind
and good to humans, the rest of the mythology) .

Iele are bad, feared fairies.

❖ It is said that on the night before their day, they tend to
fly over meadows, smelling and touching the
wildflowers, enriching them with special healing

❖ Moreover, on Sânziene’s Eve, it is said that they bless

the animals and the fountains, strengthen the
marriages, heal people of different diseases and then
like to dance and sing until dawn.

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● Sânziene is also a Romanian wild
flower’s name, flower used in
ancient healing potions.
Midsummer celebration
in Romania
• Mainly, the Sânziene holiday celebrates the sun, but also love
and happiness.

• In Romania, on Sânziene’s Eve, people use to make campfires

around which they celebrate, dancing or jumping over the fire -
only the brave ones, though.

• On the same night, the unmarried girls gather some wild flowers
and put them under their pillows, asking the Sânziene to make
them dream of their soulmates.
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❖ The rituals performed on Sânziene’s Day mostly focus on
love spells.

❖ Especially in the countryside, it is common for the young

2005 2010
girls to play the role of Sânziene.
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❖ One of the girls is chosen to represent Dragaica, the most
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powerful Sânziana.
 Afterwards she is dressed in white and embellished
with golden wheat spikes – the symbol of Sun and
Summer - she must gather all the other girls into a big
circle and dance.

 Then, they all go collecting wild flowers and create

beautiful wreaths.

 In some regions, the girls throw their wreath in water

while chanting their wishes of love.

 In other parts of the country, the wreaths are thrown

over the house; if the wreath stays on the roof, the girl
will marry soon, if not, the girl still has to wait.
realizat de
• Negulescu Teodora

• Stefanescu Antonia

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