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Title: "Smart Blind Stick "

Subtitle: "Using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor"

 Presented By:
 Ayesha Arshad
 Unzila Rauf
 Naveen
 Motivation Behind the "Smart Blind Stick" Project:
 Our project, the "Smart Blind Stick," is motivated by a deep commitment to
improving the daily lives of individuals with visual impairments.
 Highlight the challenges the visually impaired face, especially in navigating unfamiliar
 Concept of the Smart Blind Stick:
 The Smart Blind Stick introduces an innovative approach to assist individuals with
visual impairments navigate their surroundings safely.
 Briefly explain how the smart blind stick leverages technology, specifically ultrasonic
sensors and microcontrollers, to detect real-time obstacles.
Project Components
 List the key components used in the project (Arduino, Ultrasonic Sensor, Buzzer, Motor).
• Arduino:
 Role: The Arduino serves as the brain of the Smart Blind Stick, functioning as a
 Functions:
 Reads data from the ultrasonic sensor.
 Processes information to determine the distance from obstacles.
 Controls the feedback mechanisms, including the buzzer and motor.
 Executes the logic for obstacle detection and response.
• Ultrasonic Sensor:
 Role: The ultrasonic sensor is the primary sensory component for detecting obstacles in
the environment.
 Functions:
 Emits ultrasonic pulses.
 Measures the time it takes for the pulses to bounce back (echo).
 Converts the time into distance using the speed of sound.
 Provides real-time data on the proximity of obstacles.
• Buzzer:
 Role: The buzzer serves as an auditory feedback mechanism to alert the user about
the presence of obstacles.
 Functions:
 Produces distinct tones based on predefined distance thresholds.
 Provides feedback to the user, indicating the severity of the obstacle (very close,
 Enhances situational awareness by using sound signals.
• Motor:
 Role: The motor is a haptic feedback mechanism, providing tactile feedback to the
 Functions:
 Responds to specific obstacle scenarios by varying its speed.
 Offers a haptic indication of the obstacle's proximity.
 Enhances the user's awareness of the environment through touch.
•By integrating these components, the Smart Blind Stick creates a comprehensive system
that not only detects obstacles but also communicates this information to the user through
a combination of auditory and haptic feedback. The Arduino processes sensor data, triggers
appropriate feedback, and ensures seamless interaction between the user and the
Working Principles:
•1.How the Ultrasonic Sensor Measures Distances:

•The ultrasonic sensor measures distances using sound waves. It operates on the principle of
echolocation, similar to how bats navigate. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

 The ultrasonic sensor emits a burst of high-frequency ultrasonic sound waves (inaudible to
the human ear) in a specific direction.
 These sound waves travel through the air until they encounter an obstacle in their path.
 When the sound waves hit the obstacle, they are reflected back towards the sensor.
•2. Process of Converting Pulse Duration into Distance:

•The key to measuring distance lies in the time it takes for the emitted sound pulse to travel to
the obstacle and back. The ultrasonic sensor utilizes this time duration to calculate the distance:
 The ultrasonic sensor generates a trigger pulse to start the emission of the sound wave.
 The sensor measures the time it takes for the sound wave to travel to the obstacle and
back, known as the "echo" time.
 The time measurement is typically obtained using the pulseIn function in Arduino,
which records the duration of the pulse.
 Knowing the speed of sound in the air (approximately 344 meters per second at room
temperature), the distance to the obstacle can be calculated using the formula:
Distance = (Speed of Sound * Echo Time) / 2.
•3. Defined Distance Thresholds for Obstacle Detection:

•To categorize obstacles and provide meaningful feedback, the Smart Blind Stick establishes
predefined distance thresholds. These thresholds determine the severity of the obstacle's
 Very Close Threshold:
 Objects within this range trigger immediate and intense feedback.
 Example: A very close threshold might be set at 5 centimeters.
 Close Threshold:
 Objects within this range, but not very close, trigger less intense feedback.
 Example: A close threshold might be set at 30 centimeters.
 No Obstacle:
 Beyond the close threshold, the system considers the path clear, providing no
 Example: If the distance exceeds 30 centimeters, the system recognizes no obstacle.
Code Overview:
•const int trigger_pin = 2;
•const int echo_pin = 3;
•const int buzzer_pin = 10;
•const int motor_pin = 11;
•int time;
•int distance;
•void setup() {
• Serial.begin(9600);
• pinMode(trigger_pin, OUTPUT);
• pinMode(echo_pin, INPUT);
• pinMode(buzzer_pin, OUTPUT);
• pinMode(motor_pin, OUTPUT);
Key Sections:
• Variable Declarations:
 Declare pins for the ultrasonic sensor (trigger and echo), buzzer, and motor.
 Initialize variables for time and distance.
• Setup Function:
 Initialize serial communication for debugging purposes.
 Set pin modes for trigger, echo, buzzer, and motor.
•void loop() {
• digitalWrite(trigger_pin, HIGH);
• delayMicroseconds(10);
• digitalWrite(trigger_pin, LOW);
• time = pulseIn(echo_pin, HIGH);
• distance = (time * 0.034) / 2;
•3.Ultrasonic Sensor Reading:
 Trigger the ultrasonic sensor by sending a 10-microsecond pulse.
 Measure the time it takes for the echo pulse to return.
 Calculate the distance using the speed of sound.
• int veryCloseThreshold = 10;
• int closeThreshold = 30;
• if (distance <= 5) {
• Serial.println("Obstacle very close or hitting");
• tone(buzzer_pin, 1200, 100);
• delay(100);
• noTone(buzzer_pin);
• } else if (distance <= veryCloseThreshold && distance > 5) {
• Serial.println("Very close obstacle");
• tone(buzzer_pin, 1000, 200);
• analogWrite(motor_pin, 255); // Full speed for haptic feedback
• } else if (distance <= closeThreshold && distance > veryCloseThreshold) {
• Serial.println("Close obstacle");
• tone(buzzer_pin, 800, 400);
• analogWrite(motor_pin, 128); // Half speed for haptic feedback
• } else {
• Serial.println("No obstacle");
• noTone(buzzer_pin);
• analogWrite(motor_pin, 0); // Turn off the motor
• }
•4.Obstacle Detection and Feedback:
 Define distance thresholds for obstacle categorization (very close, close).
 Implement conditional statements to determine the obstacle scenario based on the calculated distance.
 Provide feedback through the Serial Monitor, buzzer, and motor.
 Vary the intensity of feedback based on the severity of the obstacle.
• delay(500);
5. Delay:
 Introduce a delay between consecutive measurements to control the loop frequency.
•Logic for Obstacle Detection and Feedback:

 If the distance is very close (<= 5), trigger an intense buzzer sound and briefly vibrate the motor to
indicate a critical obstacle.
 If the distance is close (between 5 and 30), produce a different buzzer sound and provide haptic
feedback with the motor running at half speed.
 If the distance is beyond 30, indicate no obstacle with no feedback.
•The code dynamically adjusts the feedback based on the measured distance, offering a responsive and
adaptive system for obstacle detection and interaction.
 Single Direction Detection
 Limited Coverage Area
 Environmental Interference
 Static Distance Thresholds
 Power Consumption
 User Adaptation

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