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Alfred Nobel’s

Scientific breakthrough
Milica Lončar 184/22
Andrea Delić 208/22
Table of contents
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Life of Alfred Accomplishments

In this section we will discuss Work, inventions and patents
Noble’s early and later life. of Alfred Nobel.

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Nobel Prize
The origin of the Nobel prize,
and philanthropy.
• Born in Stockholm, Sweden

• Comes from a family of


• Was a capable chemist and

spoke 5 languages.

• Patented 355 different types

of creations.
 Studying chemistry and work in his
father’s factory. Accomplishments

 Nitroglycerin experiments.

 First nitroglycerine factories.

 Discovery of Nobel’s safety powder
– dynamite! Accomplishments

 Greek word dynamis - power.

 Even more patents, artificial silk

and leather.
Dynamite changes the

Expansion of factories
and massive wealth.
Personality of the genius.
• Reclusive and reserved, yet witty
and innovative man.

• Writing poems novels and plays.

• A total pacifist and a philanthropist.

Nobel Prize.
He donated 31 million Swedish krona to
establish the Nobel Prize.

Annually awarded prize to those who have

contributed the most to the world.
Nobel laureates.
Nobel Prize is awarded in the fields of physics, chemistry,
physiology, medicine, literature, peace and economy.

Nobel Prize for mathematics was never established.

Most famous winners :

Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, Marie Curie…
Nobel’s Peace Prize.
Baroness Bertha Von Suttner was the first
woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

Friends with Alfred – was essential in the

creation of the idea of the Peace Prize.
Thank you for the

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