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Management school of

 Pre Classical organization management school of thought
 Classical organization management school of thought
 Neo classical organization management school of thought
 Modern organization management school of thought
Pre Classical organization management school of thought
The pre-classical management period spans from around the
late 1800s to early 1900s, when industry began to emerge, and
management theories started to emerge. During this period,
there was not much formalization of management principles,
but there were notable contributions by individuals like Robert
Owen, Charles Babbage and Adam Smith.
 Robert Owen is considered a pioneer in human resource
management, advocating for the welfare of workers.
Charles Babbage, an inventor and management scientist,
emphasized the specialization of mental work and the
necessity of profit sharing.
 Adam Smith made significant contributions to pre classical
management thought by identifying specialization and the
division of labor as the main drivers of productivity.
Classical organization management school of thought
 Classical management theory emerged in the early 20th century, with the aim of
improving management by focusing on efficiency, standardization, and the
hierarchy of authority.
 It is based on the belief that workers only have physical and economic needs, and
it does not take into account social needs or job satisfaction
 There are three main branches of classical management theory:
1) Scientific Management: Frederick Winslow Taylor, the father of scientific
management. He believed that workers were motivated primarily by financial
2) Administrative Management: This branch emphasizes the importance of
planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling in management.
Henri Fayol proposed fourteen principles of management.
3) Bureaucratic Management: This branch focuses on creating a formal,
hierarchical organizational structure based on rules, regulations, and procedures to
ensure fairness, impartiality, and consistency in decision-making. Max Weber
developed the concept of bureaucracy, describing an ideal type of rational
organization that emphasizes strict division of labor, clear lines of authority, and
impersonal relationships among employees.
Neo classical organization management school of thought
The neoclassical theory of management, also known as
the human relations approach, emphasizes the
importance of considering the human side of an
organization and the social needs of
recognizes workers as active contributors to the
organization, not just passive resources.
There are Some key scholars associated with the neo
classical management theory like Elton Mayo, Mary
Parker Follett, Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg.
The neoclassical management theory was a shift
towards a more humanistic and participative approach
to management, recognizing the importance of social
and psychological factors in organizational success.
Modern organization management school of thought
 Modern organizational management theory focuses on the ways in which businesses
and other organizations can maximize efficiency, productivity, and profitability
through effective leadership and management practices.
 It emphasizes that employees are motivated by factors beyond just money, such as
satisfaction, happiness, and desired outcomes
 The modern theory of management also utilizes mathematical analysis to guide
decision-making and problem-solving, providing managers with an objective view of
organizational issues.
 It have moved to toward the open system approach that consider in the effect of
external environment on the organization.
 Some of the key components of modern organizational management theory
1. Systems theory: This involves viewing the organization as a complex system with
multiple interrelated parts that all must work together in order to achieve success
2. Contingency theory: This asserts that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to
management and that the best management practices depend on the specific situation.
3. Total quality management: This involves continuously improving the quality of
products, services, and processes in order to exceed customer expectations.

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