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By: Carlos Burcio Arenas

1. introduction
• Hewas one of the most important Castilian
kings and of Spanish history because of:
-He united the Kingdoms of Castile and León
and Created the Crown of Castile.
-After the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa(1212)
he conquered almost all Andalusia.
• He born in the 5th of August in 1199.
• He get marriage with his first wife in 1219.
• In 1230, he united the Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of
León and created the Crown of Castile.
• He conquered Córdoba in 1236.
• In 1237 he get marriage with his second wife.
• Fernando conquered Jaén in 1246.
• He conquered Sevilla in 1248.
• Finally, he died in 1252.
3. Parents
• Berenguela of Castile(1179-1246): she
was the mother of Ferdinand and son of
Enrique II of England and Leonor de
Aquitania. The 6th of June of 1217 she
became the Queen of Castile, but the 2 nd
of July of the same year, she gave the
throne to her son. After that, she became
Royal Councillor(1217-1246), helping in
the politics of the kingdom indirectly.
• Alfonso IX of León(1171-1230):
He was the father of Ferdinand III
and the son of Fernando II and
Urraca of Portugal. One of his
wifes was Berenguela of Castile,
but separated from her. He help in
the Reconquest of the Peninsula.
He conquered Cáceres.
4. Places where he lived
• Hewas born in Peleas de Arriba, a place
between Zamora and Salamanca.
• He developed his life in some places of Castile,
and after the Reconquest of Andalusia, in some
cities such as Sevilla.
• Finally, he died in Sevilla.
5. First years
• He was born in a place between Zamora and Salamanca.
• Their dads get separated in 1203.
• After
the death of Alfonso VIII, dad of Berenguela,
Enrique I governed from 1214-1217.
• Because of that, Berenguela became the Queen of
Castile, but she gave the throne to his son, Ferdinand III.
• He became the king of Castile.
• In1230, Alfonso IX, his dad, dead, so he became the
king of Castile and León at the same time.
• After this, he became one of the most important kings.
6. Important things he did
• Ferdinand III was the king of Castile and León, so he
created the Crown of Castile in the 1230.
• After this, he started to do expeditions to Al-Andalus and
in a few years, he conquered all the Guadalquivir
• He conquered Córdoba and Jaén easily, but Seville was
more difficult. He needed some military resources and
finally he conquered Seville in 1248
7. Relationship with other important
people of that period.
• Beatriz de Suabia: she was
the first wife of Ferdinand
III, a German noblewoman
and the Consort Queen of
Castile and León.
• Hissecond wife was Juana
de Ponthieu.
• Alfonso X: Ferdinand III
had a lot of sons, but he
was one of the most
important because he
conquered Murcia:
8. Personal opinion
• For
me he is one of the most important kings of the
Reconquest of the territory.
•I think that the most important thing he did is to create
the Crown of Castile. Because of that fact, I think the
Reconquest was easily and rapidly because of the troop
increase due to the creation of the Crown of Castile.
• Because of that, he is one of my favourite historic

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