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Group members

• UMUHOZA Joie Sophia • 222012724

• AKINGARIMUZIMA Pierrot • 222004310
• NIYIGENA Emerance • 222013422
• IGIRIMBABAZI Marthe • 2220
• BUHIGA Merieveille • 222
• NSENGIYUMVA Gilbert • 222
• KWIZERA O bed • 222

• have you know that :“ History teaches us who we are. We, as a profession,
need to understand this as history offers us an identity that we can use to
help us grow and evolve
Psychiatric history
Definition :psychiatric history : refers to a record of a person’s
mental health and psychological well-being over time , it typically
includes information about any past or current mental health
conditions, treatments, hospitalization, therapy and medications.
Process of taking psychiatric history

The history should be given, as much as possible, in the patient’s own words.
Do not use jargon unless the patient does! Here it is:
• Introduction : establish rapport with the patient to make feel comfortable and build
• Personal identification: records the patient name , age , marital status , etc
• Personal history : gather information about social events, sexual history , schooling and
• Chief complaint: primary reasons for the visit

• Presenting history: correct information on the current symptoms

• Past medical history : gathering information about the Patient physical
health. Ex : surgery etc
• Past psychiatric history : inquire about any previous mental health diagnose
• Family history : explore the patient family history about mental illness
• Current and past substance /alcohol use :ask her/ him about quantity, timing
as these can be impact mental health.

• Psychosocial history :discuss about the patient’s social support system , living
situation, and any life changes.
• Allergies and medication : document any allergies and if there is medication she/he
taking note that down.
• Review of system : conduct brief review of physical system to rule out any medical
any medical issues contributing to mental illness
• Mental status exam : the mental status should take into account not just your
observations during the course of the interview
but also information obtained on symptoms and signs during the course of this
episode of illness.

• Conduct a thorough mental status examination to assess the patient’s appearance,

behavior, speech, mood, though processes, and cognitive functioning.
• Observe for any abnormalities or signs of mental distress
• Summarize and next steps
• Summarize the key findings from the history taking process
• Discuss potential diagnoses and treatment options
• Address any questions or concerns the patient may have
• Plan for follow up appointments and further assessments are needed
In conclusion, remember that taking a psychiatric history is ongoing that may require
multiple sessions and ongoing evaluation . Its essential to approach each patient with
empathy, respect,and cultural sensitivity.

• Rob Poole , Robert Higgo , Tom Lorenz “ Atlas of psychiatric , 185-199, 2023
Assessment : interview , history, Physical, and mental status examination.
[Google Scholar]

• Clark, G. J. (2017). The past is not a foreign country. A history of ideas in

psychiatric nursing scholarship based on the textbook literature – 1885 to 2013
[Unpublished doctoral thesis]. University of Newcastle. [Google Scholar]

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