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1. Punctuality
2. Personal presentation
3. Respect
4. Fulfill the duties
5. Preserve the safety of the community
6. Infrastructure care
7. Dignity of classmates
8. Do not use the laptops unless the teacher requires it
9. Take care of your school supplies
10. Keep the techlab clean and orderly
The “Rueda de cifrado”

Game history

Our favorite family woke up this morning with a problem on their hands.

Apparently, someone has hijacked their devices and they must solve a series of
“enigmas, in form of encrypted messages to regain their control.”

The messages have arrived in different ways: by email, by SMS, and through a
instant messaging app.
To complete these riddles I put at your disposal the following resource:

The “Rueda de cifrado”

Use the “Rueda de cifrado” to decrypt the messages received by the members of the
Cybernaut family and share it with other users to exchange encrypted messages and add
another level of security to your communications.
What are you waiting for?
Message # 1

The Pointless Mail

To decrypt this message, you will need to use the Caesar Cipher, also known as the Cipher
Shift or Caesar’s code, one of the simplest and most widely used encryption techniques.

When you decipher it, try to answer the question and share it with the rest of the cyber
users in the classroom.
Caesar Cipher

Turn the orange wheel until the yellow tabs are

positioned, (the first (1) tab must be in your letter,

the next will tell you what the encrypted letter is.)

e.g. B = G
Message # 2

The SMS with doodles

To decrypt this message, you will need to use Symbol Cipher, a simple substitution cipher
that changes letters to symbols. In this case, Egyptian hieroglyphics.

When you decipher it, try to answer the question and share it with the rest of the cyber
users in the classroom.
Symbol Cipher

Turn the green wheel until you match the A of the alphabet with the first (1) Egyptian

hieroglyph (the bird), once you have it you will only have to look for the symbol that is

above its letter to decipher the code.

e.g. H =
Message # 3

A numeric message

To decipher this message, you must use the “Polibio” numerical encryption. It is a
trivial algorithm, where each letter of the alphabet is replaced by the coordinates
of its position in a square. It is a particular case of mono-alphabetic transposition.

When you decipher it, try to answer the question and share it with the rest of the
cyber users in the classroom.
‘Polybius’ Numerical Cipher

Turn the green wheel until the die-cut window coincides

with the upper number, once you are in your block, look

for the letter that is hidden under the number.

e.g. 22 = g

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