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What is Netiquette?

Is a set of rules that encourages

appropriate online behavior related
to the social and cultural norms of
community (Preece, 2004).
Course Communications

 Ifyour intent is to encourage good
writing skills, then it will be important
for students to follow acceptable
writing conventions with regards to
spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Course Communications

If your intent is to keep very relaxed
and conversational, then emoticons,
abbreviations, slang, etc. may be
Emoticons and Abbreviations

Began by using punctuation marks
to try to reproduce simple facial
Emoticons and Abbreviations
Emoticons Meanings
:-) or :) Smiley, laugh, have a nice day
:-( or :( Frowning or sad
:-* or :* Kiss
;-) or ;) Winking or sly joke
:-D Laughing or big grin
:-0 Yelling or screaming, surprised, or
completely shocked
%-) Confused but happy
:-@ Angry
:-/ or :-\ Whatever, sarcasm
O_o Confused
<_< or -_- Disappointed, ashamed, upset
:’-( or :’( crying
Emoticons and Abbreviations

Is a shortened form of a word or
phrase; abbreviations of phrases are
often composed of the first letter of
each word of the phrase.
Emoticons and Abbreviations
Abbreviations Meanings
FYI For your information
ASAP As soon as possible
BTW By the way
LOL Laugh out loud
WTG Way to go
TTUL Talk to you later
BFN Bye for now
BRB Be right back
CUL See you later
IDK I don’t know
JK, JJ Just kidding, just joking
TYVM Thank you very much
Using abbreviations

Are usually formed using the most
recognizable letters from the word
or expression.
Using abbreviations

Mister = Mr.
Boulevard = Blvd.
Corporation = Corp.
Miles per hour = mph
10 rules for practicing netiquette

1. Practice using empathy

2. Use a friendly tone
3. Use respectful language
4. Send messages if appropriate
5. Check for grammar mistakes
10 rules for practicing netiquette

6. Respect other people’s privacy

7. Ensure messages are clear
8. Create posts that are appropriate
9. Respond to email on time
10. Read content thoroughly

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