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E-Learning Platform

A project submitted to


An Autonomous Institute
Affiliated to
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai (CG)
in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
Pratap Verma & Karan Kumar Verma
Roll No.: 5001021212018 & 5001021212020
Enrollment No.: CC2729 & CC2727
Under the Guidance of
Dr. Sanjeev Karmakar
Session: 2023-2024
1. Abstract & Type Project(software)
2. Project Development Process Model
3. Project Process Documentation
3.1. Inception Artifacts
3.2. Elaboration Artifacts
3.3. Construction Artifacts
3.4. Transition Artifacts
4. Limitation And Future Enhancement
5. Conclusion
6. Reference
1. Abstract & Type Project(Software)
E-Learning Platform

• Problem Statement: A system required to solve various courses and lectures maintenance problem.

• E-Learning Platform is developed under the modern software development practice in which four phase of
software (Inception phase, Elaboration phase, construction phase, and transition phase) is used where in Inception
Phase the problem space and solution space identified in terms of SRS. In Elaboration Phase detail design of
system with UML based model such as Object model, Dynamic model and Functional model are developed. In
Construction Phase the code and assessment were performed and In Transition phase Beta release is performed.

• The complete schedule of project was decided 5.034 Months and total DSLOC calculated 1876 LOC with the help
of 1 members. Due to tight schedule(3 month), we decide to done the project with 2 member to complete the
project within 3 month. The project type is organic and details are presented through this Document.
2.Project Development Process Model(Methodology)
In this project we are using modern project development process model

Figure 1 : The Phase of life cycle process

3. Project Process Documentation
3.1. Inception Artifacts
3.2. Elaboration Artifacts(Detail Design)
3.3. Construction Artifacts
3.4. Transition Artifacts
3.1. Inception Artifacts
3.1.1. Initial Description of Problem

• The website is designed to facilitate the needs of a community by providing a platform where student can register
themselves. Once registered, users can access a range of services such as watch lectures, read article of the
courses. While the admin can add new course, new lectures to the course etc.

• One of the key features of the website is lecture video accessing through which a user can watch lecture of a
particular subject without any advertisement, which enables users to learn easily. The service is designed to help
users find suitable lecture video and notes for exam preparation and understand key concepts of a subject or topic.

3.1.2. Software Requirement Specification – SRS Non-Functional Requirements
• Hardware Requirement
RAM: Minimum of 1GB RAM
Storage: Minimum of 500MB
• Software Requirement
Web Browser (Chrome , Firefox, Etc)
• Communication Interface
Internet Protocols (HTTP, Rest API) Functional Requirements
Accept New User :-
This subsystem provides the feature to allow activation of new registered user. The student can
register and login .
Student Registration :-
In this , first the interested students get registered by selecting their desired username and
password by providing the necessary details .
After providing the correct username and password student gets logged in to E-Learning
Platform homepage . From there student can select the available subject to further learn about
them .
Admin Login:-
Admin can login by entering their respected username and password , allowing easy
management and organization of lecture and courses.
Add new course :-
Admin adds new course to learning platform , ready for content and student enrollment.
Add new lecture :-
Easily upload , organize and share lectures with a user-friendly interface for the students.
View User :-
This tracks and records actions of user. Track user engagement with real-time analytics and access
details user statistic .
User feedback :-
To improved the E-Learning Platform at the end add a feedback from for user. Performance Requirements
● Static Performance:-
There can be many numbers of user who can access the web application
● Dynamic Performance:-
This Application is made with Java programming language and all the exceptions are handled by
throw catch exception.
3.1.3. Security Features

Java Features:-
● Bytecode Verifier : Ensures that the bytecode (compiled Java code) is valid and adheres to
language specifications, preventing the execution of malicious code.
● Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE): Provides APIs for secure communication over the
network using protocols like SSL/TLS.
● Session Management:-
Java provides a session management that allows developers to securely manage sessions
MySQL Features:-
● User Authentication:-
MySQL uses a username and password-based authentication system, which allows
database administrators to control access to the database.
● Backup and Recovery:-
MySQL provides backup and recovery mechanisms that help administrators to recover data in
the event of a security breach, data loss, or hardware failure.
● Security Plugins:-
MySQL has several security plugins, such as the MySQL Enterprise Firewall and MySQL
Enterprise Audit, which provide additional security features, such as intrusion detection and
prevention and enhanced auditing capabilities.

3.1.4. Reliability

● User Interface : Reliability of user interface is High

● Output Interface : Reliability of output interface is High
● Result : Result Reliability is High
3.1.5. Cost estimation using DFP
The cost estimation is calculated by delivered
function point and uses following complexity
factor and weight: Table No 1: Functional Point
Complexity Weight

External Inputs: 10
External Output: 3
External Inquiries: 5
Internal logical Files: 1
External Interface Files: 1
The functions use simple type factor
DFP = Count-total * [0.65 + 0.01 * ∑(fi)] = UFP * CAF

UFP= 10*3 + 3*4 + 5*3 + 0*7 + 1*5 =62

Unadjusted Function Point = 62

CAF= 0.65 + 0.01*N N= Complexity factor=16

= 0.65 + 0.01*16 = 0.81
Complexity Adjustment Factor (CAF) = 0.81

DFP= UFP * CAF = 62 * 0.81 = 50.22

Delivered Function point = 50.22

To convert function points into expected Source line of code we require language factor.
The Language factor of Java is 50 per function point
Expected SLOC = Language Factor * Total Function points
= 50 * 50.22 = 2511 LOC = 2.511 KLOC Expected

By basic COCOMO model for organic project

Expected Effort = a(KLOC)^b = 2.4(2.511)^1.05 = 6.310 PM
Expected Duration = c(Effort)^d = 2.5(4.386)^0.38 = 5.034 Months
Expected Person = Effort / Duration = 6.310 / 5.034 = 1.25 ~ 1 Person
3.2. Elaboration Artifacts
3.2.1 Object Model Object Classes
As per the requirement described in SRS we have following class object. Name and description purpose
as given as following table no:2

Table No 4: Object Classes Data dictionary containing description of class attributes (datamembers, and methods) .

Table 5.: Data Dictionary Association between classes
As per the requirement and the data dictionary given in the table no: the class diagram shown as follows. In figure 2

Figure 2: Association between classes Simplifying objects classes using Inheritance
Most of classes are inherit build in http servlet class to handle various http request and to provide
required response. Group classes into module

The module project has been defined. In which class and object defined as given in the table. Object Diagram
3.2.2 Dynamic Model Scenario (Project Interaction Sequence)

Figure 4.: User Scenario Figure 5.: Admin Scenario Event Flow Diagram (EFD)

Figure 6.: Event Flow State Diagram (SD) for each classes

Figure 7.: Event Flow

3.2.3 Functional Model Identification of Input / Output values
The System has following object and their input and output given in the table.
Table No 8: I/O Table DFD as needed to show functional dependencies.

Figure 8.: Functional Diagram

3.2.4 Database Design Schema definitions with Candidate key/Primary key Normalization
In this Project Second Normal Form (2NF) database design has been applied to ensure efficient and normalized
data storage and retrieval. By adhering to the principles of database normalization, specifically the 2NF, the
project team has organized the database schema to minimize data redundancy and maintain data integrity. E-R Diagram
The ER Diagram has been desired in the project given below.

Figure 9.: E-R Diagram

3.3.Construction Artifacts
3.3.1.Case tools used to design
Eclipse Enterprises Edition IDE

3.3.2.Coding Language and Operating System (OS) used

In this project Windows OS is used as operating system far as language is concern Java
is used because of its property and facility given.
3.3.3.Database connectivity procedure
MYSQL Database connectivity is used and required code segment as follows.
6.4. Code Description
Entire system code is seen in following table.
Table 13.: Code Description
3.3.5. I/O Interface
User Login
User Register
User Homepage
Lectures List
Admin Deshbord
Students details
Add New Courses
Add New Lectures
3.4.1. Report of alpha testing

1) Blackbox unit testing for each object input are given and required output is obtained successfully.

2) Whitebox unit testing for each object for given input entire program flow including loops and
conditional statements are tested successfully.

3) Integrated system testing All objects are linked integrated and tested by given input and desired
4) Whitebox integrated system testing In this test all links between object and association has been
tested successfully and obtained desired output.
3.4.2. DSLOC and Cost Estimation using DSLOC
Table 15.: Effort Adjustment Factor
On the basis of KDLOC and intermediate COCOMO
Model the cost is calculated as follows

Total Delivered SLOC of whole project is= 1.876 KLOC

Required software reliability= Nominal = 1.00
Size of application database= Nominal = 1.00
Complexity of the product= Low = 0.85
Use of software tools= High = 0.91
Required development schedule= Nominal = 1.0
EAF= 1.0*1.0*0.85*0.91*1.0 = 0.77
Effort = a(KLOC)^b * EAF = 3.2 * (1.876)^1.05 * 0.77 = 4.77PM
Duration = c(Effort)^d= 2.5(4.77)^0.38 = 4.52 Months
Person = Effort / Duration= 4.77 / 4.52 = 1.05 ~ 1 person

Table 14.: Coefficient of Intermediate COCOMO model

Software project a b c d
Organic 3.2 1.05 2.5 0.38
Semi Detached 3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35
Embedded 2.8 1.20 2.5 0.32
3.4.3. Cost variation between DFP and DSLOC
Effort Expected by DFP = 6.310 PM
Effort By Delivered SLOC = 4.77PM
Variance = Expected cost – Actual Cost
= 6.310 – 4.77 = 1.54 PM

Expected KLOC = 2.511 KLOC

Delivered KLOC = 1.876 KLOC
Variance in KLOC = Expected KLOC – Delivered KLOC
= 2.511 – 1.876 = 0.635 KLOC
4. Future Enhancement
• Content Delivery : Support various content types, such as video lectures, interactive quizzes, and
downloadable resources.

• Live Classes and Webinars : Implement a live class or webinar feature with real-time interaction between
instructors and students.

• Discussion Forums and Community Building : Create discussion forums for each course or module to
facilitate peer-to-peer learning.

• Notification System : Implement a notification system to keep users informed about upcoming classes,
assignment deadlines, and forum activities.
5. Conclusion

The Problem is website cannot be easily accessed to make easier access for community, the proposed system
has been accepted by computerized solution. This project is under the organic type project. For complete error
fixing and during the SRS development and writing complete SRS, modern software practice has been utilized
instead of conventional waterfall technique. In which 4 development phase was used are Inception, Elaboration,
Construction, Transition phase. During the SRS Development in Inception phase, the Delivered function point is
50.22 identified. During the Elaboration phase the complete detail design of system-object model, dynamic and
functional model is developed. The MYSQL is used for the database system For Backend side Java language is
used for the implementation of the object. Total DSLOC in terms of KLOC 1.876 Total effort calculated is
4.77PM. The Complete System has been tested successfully

6. Reference
The complete reference book for Java is titled "Java: The Complete Reference" and it's written by Herbert
Schildt .
Thank You

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