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Computer Systems

Lesson 5 - Memory
Starter - Task 1

Lets see if you can remember what we worked on last lesson. Can you work
out the Binary for the following numbers. Remember your headings need to
add up to the given number. All headings used should have a 1 under them.

128’s 64’s 32’s 16’s 8’s 4’s 2’s 1’s

Learning Intentions

By the end of this lesson you will:

• know what Main Memory is.
• be able to identify the two types of Main Memory
• understand that difference between the two types of Memory.
• be able to identify the Main Memory by its characteristics.
Success Criteria

I can:
• Describe what Main Memory is.
• Identify the two types of Main Memory
• Explain the difference between the two types of Memory.
• identify the type of Main Memory by its characteristics.
What is memory?

• Main Memory is where we load all of our programs and

data when we want to use it.

• Our Operating system (Windows or MacOS) is loaded into

Main memory when we start the computer..

• Our Main Memory is like a working area for things we are

using or working on.

• There are two types of Main Memory, RAM and ROM.

Random Access Memory - RAM

• Can be accessed and changed by the computer at


• Stores programs and data being used by the


• Contains the operating system

• Large (4GB or more in a typical computer)

• Volatile (data is lost when power is turned off

and can change)
Read Only Memory - ROM

• Programmed during computer manufacture

• Stores instructions and data required to start up

the computer

• Contains the boot program

• Small 1 or 2 MB required for boot.

• Non-Volatile (data is stored when the power is

turned off and can’t change)
Main Memory - Comparison


Accessed or Changed at Anytime Cant access, programmed at manufacture

Stores Programs and data currently being used Stores instructions and data to start up computer

Large Capacity around 4Gb Small Capacity around 1-2Mb

Non-Volatile – Data is stored when electricity is

Volatile – Erased when electricity is removed
Task 2
Create a poster to show all that we have learned about computer systems
thus far. It should be informative and engaging so make sure you use lots of
images. Remember to include the following areas:

•Input Devices
•Output Devices
•Storage devices
•How the Computer Stores information
•Main Memory
Literacy Log

Look for the description belonging to the term:

Main Memory

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