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Presentation on

Women & Child Abuse

Presentation by :- MS.HIMANI SHARMA (hons.) Nursing 4th year
The term Abuse describes-"treat with cruetly or violence
especially repeatedly and regularly...
The term woman abuse describes any kind of abuse a
woman is subjected to because she is woman.This kind
of voilence is also called "Gender based
violence"..violence against women is partly a result of
gender relation that assume men to be superior to
Child abuse is when parents or caregiver, whether
through action or falling to act causes injury,death ,
emotional harm, and risk of serious harm to a child...
o m e n
W e
A b u s
👉Any act of gender based violence that results
in or likely results to physical, sexual and
psychological harm suffering to a
woman ,whether occuring in public or private
life....United Nations
👉women abuse is the intentional & systematic
tacties to establish & maintain power & control
over the thoughts ,belief & conduct a woman
thorough the inducement of fear and
Reynolds & Schweitzer in 1998
Root causes
👉Gender stereotypes
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is a most obvious kind of women
abuse but it is not the most common and is not
necessarily the most serious..
It includes such actions as:-
👉slapping, punching, strangling, kicking,
burning, stabbing and shooting
👉use a weapon or other objects to
threaten,kill or harm
👉Abducting a woman or keeping her
Sakshi murder Case
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is any form of forced Sexual
activity, including it:-
👉Rape & sexual assault
👉Forcing a woman to watch & takes part in
👉Rediwling Sexual performance & sexual
👉Forcing a woman into its prostitution
👉 Forcing or presenting a woman into sexual
Jyoti Pandey
Delhi Rape victim
Psychological and
Emotional Abuse
Psychological and Emotional abuse including:-
👉Verbal aggression, insulting a woman
👉Belittling through name calling or description
such as stupid, crazy or irrational
👉Controlling a woman actions, dresses, hairstyles
👉Forcing a woman to do degrading things
👉Engaging in deliberately threatening behaviour
👉Blaming all relationship problems
👉Not allowing to contact family and friends
👉Threatening to harm oneself and abandonment
Maid :-Drama Series
Land:-the American
Social Abuse
Social Abuse is a behaviour takes place in front of
woman's family, friends, coworkers & that is
intended isolate from those people...
It includes:-
👉Putting her down and ignoring her in public
👉Not letting the woman to see family, friends
👉Making a scene or embarassing her when she is in
👉Embarassing the woman in front of children
Dowry Related Violence
Any act of violence or harrasment associated with
the giving or receiving dowry at any time before,
during and after the marriage..
38women physically tortured
91women tortured to death
4 committed suicide
73 cases filed.......
January-June 2015
Spritual Abuse
Some Abusers use a woman's spritual & beliefs
to controlling her. This can includes:-
👉Punishing a woman for her religious beliefs
👉Punishing a woman for protecting her beliefs
👉Forcing a woman to practice certain beliefs &
engage in rituals
👉Preventing a woman going to church, Temples
or other religious institutions of her choice
A case in Indore
Cultural Abuse
It includes committing crimes against women.
👉Physically harmed
👉Honour killing
👉Seeking Divorce
👉Being Raped
Verbal Abuse
It includes:-
👉Recalling a person's past mistake
👉Threaten to violence
👉Talking unkindly about death
Financial Abuse
Any act or behaviour that gives the Abusers the
control of financial sources or maintains financial
It includes:-
👉Withholding a money for basic necessities
👉Forcing her to pay a disproportionate share of
household expenses
👉Using credit card without her permission and
destroying her credit ratings
It includes:-
👉Abandonment in public settings
👉Not remaining with woman who needs help
👉Failing to provide necessities
👉Disregarding necessities of daily living
👉Ignoring special dietary requirements
Technological Abuse
This form of abuse includes the use of technology
to control and stalk the partner ...
Immigration Abuse
There are specific tactics of abuse that may be used
against immigrant partner.
It includes:-
👉Not allowing to learn languages
👉Destroying immigration papers
👉Threatening to hurt partner's family in their home
Eve Teasing
Eve teasing refers to "a public sexual harrasment or
street harrasment to a girl by a boy"..
Student's voice:-
No woman of any age, colour, character ever
deserve to be sexually exploited or what some
Might lightly called -"EVE TEASED"...
Preventive measures
💁Enforcement of laws on violence against women..
💁Supporting gender senstitisation by conducting
public awareness program..
💁Encourage the media to play a constructive role.
💁Provision of easily accessible 24*7 information
services to report any violence related to women...
💁Provision of legal services free of cost or
affordable cost
💁 Regional women related policies ..
💁Strengthening mahila mandals and women's
organisation all over India..
💁Education to all women
💁Family support
💁Women helpline number
Women's welfare
programmes in India
📝Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
📝Swashakti Project
📝Training and Employment program for
📝Hostel for working women
📝Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
Laws Relating to Violence
Against women
Crimes Under IPC:-
👉Kidnapping & Abduction
👉Dowry Deaths
👉Torture both physically
& Mentally
👉Sexual Harrasment
Gender Specific Laws
👉Preconception & prenatal
Diagnostic Techniques
👉Medical Termination Of
Pregnancy Act, 1971
👉Dowry prohibition
👉Protection of women
from Domestic violence
Legislation for women
Legislation available for safeguards of the women
👉The Hindu Marriage Act ,1955
👉The special Marriage Act,1954
👉The child Marriage Restraint Act,1979
👉The Hindu Succession Act,1959
👉The India Succession Act,1925
3.Domestic Violence:-
👉The Dowry Prohibition Act,1961
👉The commission of Sati Act,1987
👉Section 498 of Indian penal court, cruetly to a
woman within the matrimonial home..
4.Sexual Offence:-
👉Section 375,376,288,511,509 of Indian penal
court,for Rape
👉Section 114 of the Indian Evidence Act,1872
👉The indecent Representation of women
prohibition Act,1986
5.At work:-
👉The constitution of Indian article 14,15,16 & 29
👉The ESI Act,1946
👉The Maternity Banefit Act,1961
👉The Factories Act,1948
👉The Equal Remuneration Act,1976
👉The Mines Act ,1951
👉The Contract Labour Act,1976
👉The constitution of India , Article 23
👉Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act,1956
👉Section 372 & 373 of Indian penal Court
👉The Medical Termination Of Pregnancy
👉The family Court Act,1986
👉The Criminal Law,1963
Women Helpline number
Women Helpline number:- 1091 (Toll free)
Police control Room:-100
Delhi commission for women:-
Role of Nurse
Assess the circumstances and needs of the
victim ..
Make a Record of Abuse complaints..
Awareness program in the community..
Individual support..
Informing about the Laws Relating to the family
violence as to the victim
. Working as a pressure group to:-
-Expansion the role of NGO's
-Expansion the role of GO's
-Expansion the role of law enforcing agencies
-Expansion the role of Rehabilitation centres..
Women Rehabilitation centre(WOREC) is a non
governmental organization working for the
protection against women violence..
(Established in 1991)
It provides:-
-Promotion of rights of women
-Prevent trafficking in women
-Empowering women
-Guided the feminist values
Others Rehabilitation centres are:-
👉Support to Training and Employment program
for women (STEP)
👉Short Stay Homes for womens and girls (SSH)
👉Family Counseling Centers(FCC)
h i l d
C se
A b u
👉 Violence Against Children can be physical and
mental Abuse & injury, neglect, neligent,
treatment, exploitation & Sexual abuse. voilence
takes place in homes, school, orphanage,
residential care facilities,on the streets,in the
workplace,in prison ,in places of
👉Any of these that are potentially & Actually
harmful to a child's health,survival, dignity &
development are Abuse...WHO
The total Abuse Rate of Children is 25.2 per 1000
Children with physical Abuse accounting for
5.7,sexual Abuse for 2.5, emotional 3.4 and
neglect accounting for15.9per 1000
children...These categories overlap with each
other also.....
Effects of Child Abuse
child abuse has long term and immediate
effects.The abused child may be Hyperactive,
may exhibit Angry, Antisocial behaviour,or may
be especially withdrawn..
When child Abuse is suspected or confirmed,the
child may be removed from the Home or
separated from the family for protection.
Abusive parents often were abused themselves
as children; thus,the problems of child abuse
continues in a cyclical fashion from generation to
Factors Affecting Child
Parental Factors:-
👉Parents has already abused a child
👉Pregnancy was not wanted
👉Young, unsupported mother with low education
👉Parents has unrealistic expectations of child
👉Lack parenting knowledge
👉Parent is isolated and few support
👉Parent has mental illness & is abusing drugs or
Environmental factors:-
👉Overcrowding in the house
👉Family voilence is present
👉Non biological adult living in the house
👉Family is experiencing multiple stresses
Child Factors:-
👉Sickly or unwanted child
👉Developemental or physical Disability
👉Product of abusive Relationship
👉Lack of attachment between parents & child
Emotional Abuse
It refers to the psychological & social aspects of
child abuse..It is the most common form of child
👉Parents have negative
attitude towards
👉Perceiving Parents as
unrewarding & difficult
to enjoy
👉Poor parenting
👉Domestic voilence
👉Drug and Alcohol
It refers a range of circumstances in which a
parents or caregiver fails to adequately provide
child's needs:-
👉Number of Children
👉Drug and Alcohol
👉Strict Behaviour
Physical Abuse
It may be hiting, slapping, kicking or striking with
an object to children..
Characteristics of parents who physically
abused children:-
Emotional impairment
Lack of social support
Substance Abuse
Presence of Domestic voilence
History of Child Abuse
Physically Abused Children may exhibit
features like:-
👉Academic under Achivements
👉Physical development & coordination problem
👉Developing friendship & relationship problems
👉Aggression &Anger
👉Depression, Anxiety, low self esteem
👉Marks over the body
👉Fracture & injuries
Family voilence
Family voilence or domestic voilence usually refers
to the physical assault of children & women by
male relatives..
In these situations, a man uses voilence to control
his partner & children, often in the belief that
voilence is male pergative( I can't control myself)
and that his victim are responsible for his
behaviour ( you bought it on yourself)...
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse is inappropriate Sexual behaviour
with child.It includes fondling a child's genitals,
intercourse,incest,rape,sodomy, sexual
exploitation..To be considered child abuse there
acts to be committed by a person responsible for
the care of child & relative of child....
If a stranger committs these acts then it is
considered sexual assault & handled solely by
police & criminal courts..
Signs in children
👉Feels unhappy,
👉Behave agressive & antisocially
👉Finds it difficult to make friends
👉Poor personal hygiene
👉Voilent & avoidant behaviour
👉Self harm & suicidality
👉Sleep problems
👉Eating problems
👉Mood swings
Status of India's children
👉Every 5th child in the world lives in India..
👉Every 3rd malnourished child in world lives in
👉Every 2nd child is underweight..
👉3out of 4 children are anemic..
👉Every 2nd newborn has reduced lung capacity
and iodine deficiency..
👉Declines in male/female ratio is maximum in
0-6years(937 females per 1000males)..
👉Birth Registration is only 62%..
Constitution of India
The constitution of India recognises vulnerable
position of children & their rights to protection:-
-Article 14. -Article 24
-Article 15. -Article 39
-Article 15 (3).
-Article 19(1)
-Article 21
-Article 23
National Policies
The major policies formulated in the country to
ensure child rights and improve the status of
📝National policy for children,1976
📝National policy on Education,1984
📝National policy on child labour,1987
📝National Nutrition policy, 1993
📝National Health policy,2002
📝National charter for children,2004
📝National plan of Action for children,2005
National Legislations
National Legislations for protection of child rights
in the country are:-
📝Guardian & Wards Act,1890
📝Factories Act,1954
📝Hindu Adoption & maintainance Act,1956
📝Probation of offenders Act,1958
📝Bombay prevention of Begging Act,1959
📝Orphanages and other charitable Act,1960
📝Bonded labour system Act,1976
📝Immoral Traffic Prevention Act,1986
📝Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act,1986
📝Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques(misuse
Regulations, prevention) Act,1994
📝Juvenile justice (Care & Protection)Act, 2000
📝Prohibition of Child Marriage Act,2006
📝Commission for protection of rights of Child
Schemes & Programmes on
Child Protection
Some of the existing child protection schemes and
programmes includes:-
👉Programme for juvenile justice
👉An integrated programme for street children
👉Shishu Greha Scheme
👉Scheme for working children in need of care &
👉Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme for the
children of working mothers
The Integrated Child
Protection Scheme(ICPS)
👉A centerally sponsored scheme of Government-
Civil Social Partnership...
👉In the light of its expanded mandate the
ministry of women & child development"Child
protection" as an essential components of the
country's strategy to place" Development of the
child at the centre of the eleventh plan"...
-Institutionalising essential series &
strengthening structures
-Enchancing capacities at all level.
-Creating data base and knowledge base for
child protection services
-Ensuring appropriate inter-sectoral response at
all level
Programme components:-
1.Emergency outreach services through
2.Drop in shelters for marginalized children
3.Non institution based family care:-
- Adoption
-Foster care
-After care
-Cradle baby reception centres
4.Institutional Services
-shelter homes
-children's homes
-observation homes
-special homes
-specialised services for children with specialized
5.General Grant-in-aid for need/based innovative
6.stuatory support services
-juvenile justice Boards
Parental concerns
Parents who are in danger of abusing their
children(eg..when they find themselves
becoming inappropriately or excessive angry in
response to a child's behaviour) should seek
professional counseling..
Counselled through a parenting for caretaking
crisis, & offered guidance about how to better
handle a situation..
Role of Nurse
Physical care:-
-In emergency situation, this may include cleaning
wound & applying dressing ..
-if injury is severe, patient may be need surgery &
nursing care during convalescent period..
-Administer medications ..
-education related for self,broken legs
Emotional support:-
- Emphathetic nurse can help provide emotional
support by listening ..
-children may respond to the gift as a stuffed
toys to which they can confides the all bad
things that have happened to them ..
Rehabilitation centres helps a child or adult
and provide services like:-
-to be independent as possible
-meaningful life role such as taking care of the
-Educational component
-Address the child's relationship with other
family members and the community..
The prognosis for child abuse depending on the
severity of injury , actions taken by the
authorities to ensure the future safety of the
injured site and Willingness of parents or
guardians to seek counselling of themselves as
well as for the children..
In this presentation I discussed about women and
child which I discussed their
Women & children are the main targets who
suffer in number of ways mainly because they are
weak and economically dependent..for this,
purpose government establishment ministry of
women & child development and various welfare
programmes and schemes has been started for
women & child for their protection and reduce
the numbers of the victims......

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