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Congress Rule (1937-1939)

Congress leaders introduced a series of measures that threatened muslim culture,

religion and identity
Vande Mataram :

 Vande Mataram (Vande Mātaram, also spelt Bande Mataram; I praise you, Motherland) is a
poem written in Sanskrit by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee in the 1870s.

 The poem was first published in 1882 as part of Chatterjee's Bengali novel Anandmath. It is an
ode to the motherland, personified as the "mother goddess" in later verses, of the people.

 This initially referred to Bengal, with the "mother" figure therefore being Banga Mata (Mother
Bengal), though the text does not mention this explicitly.

 Nonetheless, the poem played a vital role in the Indian independence movement. By 1905, it had
become a popular amongst political activists and freedom fighters as a marching song. [16] The
song, as well as Anandmath, were banned under British colonial rule under threat of
imprisonment, making its use revolutionary.

 Congress made singing of the song was made compulsory before the start of official
business day.

 Muslims found the song objectionable . T hey felt worshipping a mother was a n un-islamic
practice and more generally because they found the poem's other cultural impulses to be
Wardha Scheme:

 A Basic Education scheme was launched by Gandhi at Wardha, in Maharashtra. This was
later known as the Wardha Taaleem Scheme. It was introduced in all Congress education

 Spinning cotton by hand was made a part of the school curriculum

 Teaching was to be in Hindi with no religious education, which meant that Muslim students
were at a disadvantage (language barrier).

 School children were required to show devotion for Gandhi's portrait by bowing to it.

 This instruction was sent to Urdu schools attended by Muslim boys, by a local board in the
central provinces. The Muslims thus felt that their Religious, language, identity. & culture was
being undermined. Their children were being swäyed from their Muslim ideology.
Congress Tyranny: (scattered incidences, not very wide spread) :

 Some Congress Leaders even stated that they would take revenge from the Muslims for
their 700 years of slavery.
 Hindi became the official language and Deva Nagri the official script.
 Congress flags flew from public buildings.
 The Congress flag was given the status of a national flag.
 The slaughtering of cows was prohibited. Muslims were forbidden to eat beef and received
harsh punishments if they slaughtered cows.
 Muslims were not allowed to construct new Mosques. Hindus would play drums in front of
Mosques when Muslims were praying. Sometimes pigs were pushed inside mosques.
 There were instances of arson against Muslim property.
Vidya Mandir:

 Aimed at promoting Hindu culture by making Mandir education necessary at elementary

 Vidya Mandir Scheme( 1921) was introduced by Gandhi and representated by congress.
 In this scheme, it was stated that Hindu education would by given to all Indians (including
Hindu's , Muslim's, Sikh's and other ppl of different religions of that time in India).
 It was specially introduced in Bihar and Orissa at elementry level.
 Hindu Fundamentalist parties were also involved in this activity.
 However, this was rejected by Jinnah, the Muslim League leader, as it was against the
Economic pressures:

 Muslims were also kept back in economic circle.

 They were expelled from government offices and career opportunities were closed for
 Their trade and agriculture was a target of Hindu’s harm, and they couldn’t appeal
justice which already had Hindu i nfluence upon it. As a result, and to nobody’s surprise
but huge dismay, massive Hindu-Muslim riots took place.
 Judges were prerssurized to rule in favour of Hindus, imprisoning Muslims.

 Hindus or British not to be trusted

 Hindus would always try to impose Hindu nationalism if they form govt
 Muslims united behind Jinnah and ML -membership of ML increased
 Under congress rule, Muslim religion, culture, identity and ideology would be oppressed
and may become obsolete.

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