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Cover letter

What is a cover letter?

• Hello, my name is Maximilian Cibula and today I am taking you deeper
into very important step, you can do wrong when applying for a job.

• At first sight looks like formal letter.

• It differs by its subject matter.
• The composition stays the same. – same composition
• The content consists of 3 paragraphs.
• Each paragraph stands for different information.
Before you apply for a job

• Research about job you are going to apply for should be done, before
you start writting cover letter.
• You should know very well (knowledge) about the job you want to
• If you are not interested (?) in the job, you might not get it.
• The employer will know about your low interest.
• The more you tell in cover letter, the better chance you get it.
1. paragraph
• Stands for main introduction.
• The audience you write to may or may not be identified.
• If you write to individual person, the title must be Dear Sir/Madam.
• If you write to administrative position or post, the title must be the
name of the association.
• In this paragraph, the introduce of yourself is very important.
• Another important information is the position you want to get and
reason why they should hire you.
2. paragraph
• This paragraph should be the lengest.
• Including all important information about you, your skills, job history,
current job (if you are still employed).
• Why you want this job.
• Can be divided into more paragraphs.
• Where do you see yourself in 10 years.
3. Paragraph
• Usually the shortest.
• Closing information with your final wishes, interesting ways and ideas.
• The last is regard and your name.
The conclusion
• Do not apply and write cover letter for a job, you are not really
interested in.
Thank you for your attention.

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