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Anti-OSAEC and

CSAEM session
Trigger Warning:
Sexual Violence
Unlocking of Terms
OSAEC - Online Sexual Abuse an Exploitation of Children
CSAEM - Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials

Based on R.A. 11930 or the anti-OSAEC and CSAEM law

Unlocking of Terms
1. Background and

2. The Mathematics

3. Key Stage and Grade

Level Standards
Let’s Analyze!
• What did you feel after watching the film?
• What were the safety issues presented in the film?
• What were the dilemmas faced by the Jasmine and Justine?
• Were there parts of the film that you want to discuss more?
What are these?
• What are the new information and insights that you have
gained after watching the film?
• If you know someone who is in the same situation as Jasmine, what
advice would you give him/her?
• If you know someone who is in the same situation as Justine, what
advice would you give him/her?
▪ Online Sexual Abuse or Exploitation of Children, or more
commonly known as OSAEC, is the use of technology like
digital devices and the Internet to sexually abuse or exploit
▪ OSAEC doesn’t necessarily need to happen exclusively
online. It can also start out offline, then progress online (or
▪ Materials such as photos, videos and other media depict
naked images of children, or children being sexually abused,
is called Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials or
▪ OSAEC and CSAEM can be perpetrated through various ways.
OSAEC include;
▪ The sexual extortion of children (like how Mandy
victimized Justine)
▪ Situations when someone shares or threatens to share
the naked or sexual image of a child without their consent
(like what Justine did to Jasmine)
OSAEC include;
▪ Situations wherein children are talked about in a sexual
manner online even if the image doesn’t include a naked
image of a child (called sexualization of children)
▪ Grooming or Luring children – when people communicate
with children offline or online in order to facilitate sexual
abuse or production of CSAEM.
OSAEC include;
▪ The livestreaming of children being sexually abused,
regardless if the children gives their consent or not.
▪ Accessing, possession and sharing of CSAEM.
Sharing our own or someone else’ naked, intimate or sexual
images might feel like a good idea during that time, but there
are certain personal repercussions that might affect us
negatively, and hurt our loved ones emotionally.
However, if you managed to make this unsafe decision, it is
not the end of the world. The important thing is to seek help,
there is always a way to move on from this. One unsafe
decision doesn’t define you.
What did
you learn?
Choose the best answer
Relating to what happened to Justine and Jasmine, if someone’s romantic partner asks for
a naked photo of their partner and asks to send it via message app, what should be done?

a. Agree to the request in order to prove his/her love.

b. Say no and tell that he/she doesn’t feel comfortable about the request.

c. Screenshot the conversation and send it to his/her parents.

d. Ignore and block the partner.

Choose the best answer

Which is true about accessing Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials (CSAEM)?

a. Accessing CSAEM is illegal and may get one in trouble with the law.

b. Accessing CSAEM is cool, and sharing it with others will make one famous.

c. Possessing CSAEM is not illegal when not shared.

d. CSAEM when shared may bring you great fortune.

Choose the best answer

Which is the best example of repercussion when one shares or sell their intimate images

a. You might end up in jail when you share it.

b. Your parents/relatives will be more proud of you.

c. Intimate images of yours might be viral and will bring you success.

d. Selling intimate images might negatively affect you, and make your loved ones sad.
Choose the best answer

What should one do if someone becomes a victim of sextortionists like Mandy (from the film)?

a. Always submit to Mandy’s request and in return ask her to not share the images to others.

b. Work with Mandy hand in hand and earn also from the intimate photos.

c. It is not the victim’s fault, ask for help, and report it to proper authorities.

d. Meet Mandy in real life and reconcile it with her.

• It’s not your fault
• One unsafe decision does not define you
• It’s never too late to tell a trusted adult
Additional Tips on Staying Safe Online!
Meta Staying Safe Online for Learners Video Here
Where to Report?

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