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Computing Fundamentals

Variables and Input

Week 6 Instructor: Shehzad Aslam
Basic C++ Program Pre-Processing Directive

Header file
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Main Function
int main()
{ Function Body

cout<<“First Program.”<<endl;
return 0;
Print Statement
Concept of a Variable
 Variable stores data in RAM
 They have a type, memory address and a name to access
 When a variable is created, then operating system allocate memory to that variable in
 The memory may be taken back by OS during program execution or when the program
Variables & Data types
 Data types
 int (4 bytes)
 float (4 bytes)
 Char (1 byte)
 bool (1 byte)
 short int (2 bytes)
 long (4 bytes)
 double (8 bytes)
 sizeof operator tells the space occupied by a variable
 cout<<sizeof(int);
Using variables
 Create variable
 DATA_TYPE name = value;
 int area = 62;
 int length, width = 45;
 length = 40;
 area = length * width;
 cout<<area;
Taking input from user
 cin is console input object defined in iostream
 >> is stream extraction operator
 Input in stored in a variable
 cin>>length;
 Make a length unit converter
 Take input in meters
 Convert that into kilometers
 Take radius of circle and show its area
 Take length and width of rectangle and show its parameter and area
 Evaluate quadratic formula Take a, b, c from user and find out x
 You need to find square root, so there is a function sqrt defined in math.h header file
 You can use that function like sqrt(a) where a is a variable or a number
 Write a program to calculate area of parallelogram, take values form user
 Write a program in C++ to calculate the volume of a sphere ( ⁴⁄ ₃π r³). Take radius from keyboard.
 Find how much Oil can be stored in a tanker of height h and a radius R if one liter oil occupies
1000cm3 and volume of tanker (π r2 h).). Input h and R from user and assume R and H is in cm.
 Input a single digit number and make it four digit (e.g. input 5 result is 5555)
 Take 3 digit number form user and show 2nd digit only (Hint: use /, %)
 Saleman has 12500 basic pay. He is given 10.5% bonus on each sale. Input the sale from user and
show net pay.

 Chapter 2 from C++ Programming by DS Malik

 Chapter 3 form DS Malik
 Solve exercise of chapter 2

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