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Experiment # 07


Study the basic structure of C++ program

Write a program that declares different variables and data types.


In order to write program in any programming language, it is necessary to understand the basic
structure of the program, its command and syntax.

Major Parts of C++ program

main() This marks the point where the C programs begins execution. It is required
for all programs.

() Must appear immediately after main. Information that will be used by the
program is usually contained within that braces.

// These symbols are optional and used to indicate the comments.

; Each C statement is terminate with the semicolon.

{} The braces are required in all C programs. They indicate the beginning and the
end of the program instruction.

cout Function

The cout function is used to write information to standard output (normally your monitor).
It can be used to print numbers, string or characters. A typical structure of this function is

cout<<”char string”<< variable;

Where the << symbol represents the insertion operator. This operator is used to insert Characters
or numbers into the standard output stream. Function prototype for cout Statement is in the
“iostream” file, so it must be include in to the program.

cout<<2; // DISPLAY NUMBER.
cout<<’a’; // DISPLAY CHARACTER.

A variable is a named location that can hold various values. All variables must be declared
before they can be used. A variable’s declaration serves one important purpose that it tells the C
compiler that you are giving an identity to the variable.

Data type Description

char : It is eight bit long and it is commonly used to hold a single character.

int : Integer may hold singed whole numbers (Numbers with no fractional part). It may hold
values in the range of –32768 to 32767 or it depends on the system.

float and double : Data type float and double hold signed floating point values, which may have
fractional component. The difference between float and double is that double provides twice the
precision as does float.

int number=100;
cout<<sizeof(number); // sizeof() function is used for getting the size of variable
} // in memory.


cin Function:

the cin function allows your program to get user input from the keyboard. A typical structure for
this funcion is
where >> is extractor operator. It is used to extract informaton from the input stream.


// program that calculates the voltage by ohm’s law

float vol,cur,res;
cout<<”enter the value of the current”;
cout<<”enter the value of the resistance”;
vol = cur * res;
cout<<”voltage is “<<vol;

Lab Assignment

Q # 1. Write a program that will compute the area of a circle. The user must enter the radius of
the circle. Use the following formula for area A = 3.14 R2

Q # 2. Write a program that will solve for the power dissipation of a resistor when the
voltage across the resistor and the current in the resistor are known. The relationship for
power dissipation is : P=I x R

P = Power dissipated
I = resistor current.
V= resistor voltage.

Q#3 Develop the program that will convert the temperature from degree Celsius to degree
Fahrenheit. User input the temperature in Fahrenheit. The relation is

F= (5/9)*C - 32

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