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 Computer security refers to the protection of computer systems, networks, and

data from unauthorized access, misuse, modification or destruction.
 It involves implementing measures to prevent and detect potential threats to
information and resources stored in the computer.
 This includes protecting against malware, hacking, phishing attacks, data
breaches, and other cyber threats.

 Data integrity is the fundamental aspect of computer security that refers to

accuracy consistency and reliability of data throughout its life cycle
 It ensures that data remains uncharged an reliable from the moment it is created
or captured to the time it is accessed
 Data integrity is essential for maintaining the trustworthiness and usability of
information within a computer system.
Measures to ensure data integrity

 Data validation : implementing validation checks to ensure that data input

meets specific criteria or standards such as format range and type
 Encryption : using encryption techniques to protect data from authorized
access or modification during transmission or storage
 Access control : implementing access controls to restrict unauthorized users
from modifying or deleting data
 Data backup : regularly backing up data to prevent loss or corruption and to
facilitate recovery in case of data breaches or system failures
 Hashing : using cryptographic hash functions to generate unique checksum or
hashes for data which can be used to verify data integrity
Major threats of information

 Malware
 Phishing
 Data breaches
 Insider threats
 Denial of Service
 Social engineering

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