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The Storii

Logo Options
14th July 2020
Why the most interesting stories we
recount are those we have experienced
We all love a good raconteur, a weaver of tales, don't we?
Because deep down, we're all storytellers ourselves.
Telling stories of our world; stories of ourselves.
Living as many characters as possible.
A wanderer.
A warrior
A countryside simpleton.
A sage, a sanyasi.
A prince charming, a runaway princess.
A lost-in-time tribal.
We want to know all about us.
We want to experience all of us.
This is why we travel.
Not as 'sight-seers' anymore, but as 'sight-experiencers'. So that
when we come back, we can tell better stories of our world, of
Let's tell a better Storii…
Concept 1

Logo options with Visual metaphor highlighting the brand essence

through “Book” or through “bookmark”.
A concept that cuts across segments for experiences are unique to all yet
the only thing that bind together generations, be it GenX, Baby
Boomers or millennial. To bookmark an experience is a timeless notion
stemming from the want to remember, the want to relive something that
has passed us by. From the conventional leather strips, flowers, and
paper safely kept between the favourite pages of a book to the
interesting page or website one is fond of in the vast world of internet, a
bookmark treasures your experiences and keeps them fresh and alive for
you to cherish again.
Concept 2

Logo options with Visual metaphor - “Inverted Commas” - to

highlight the
“Experience "or “Story”
A story is all about a narrative. It is personal, unique, and deeply
expressive. And every story – be it a happy, sad, warm or a cold one,
needs a narrator. And what better way to give the narrator the credit than
to use the inverted commas – the tiny yet extremely significant tool of
grammar that contains within itself every story that’s ever been told, and
every story we are ever going to tell.
Concept 3

Logo options highlighting the brand promise of providing “unique

experiences” – closer to Nature and away from the hustle bustle of the
big cities.

The concept of bringing elements of nature within the logo signifies how
natural and peaceful our ambience will be. The serene surroundings of a
natural setting surely puts our minds at ease and fills us with a rejuvenating
energy and zest for life.
Combined Logos
Thank you

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