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The Little Prince

•The Little Prince, also known as O

Principezinho, is a work by French writer,
illustrator and aviator Antoine de Saint-
Exupéry, published in 1943 (nineteen forty-
three) in the United States, during World War
•This book is very well known and is part of
many people's childhoods.
•Antoine de Saint Exupéry was a French writer, illustrator and pilot who was
born on June 29, 1900 (one thousand and nine hundred ) and died on July
31, 1944 (nineteen forty-four). He is the author of a literary classic “The Little
Prince”, written in 1943 (nineteen forty-three)
•The work speaks of a boy called
Principezinho, He has blond hair, is small
and lives on the asteroid.
On this planet there are three volcanoes
and a flower for which he holds great
This character takes special care of his
land, this is well seen when he pulls out
the weeds.
There is also a flower that is very vain,
beautiful, talkative and lying, because it
made the little prince believe that she was
the only one in the world.
•I advise everyone who has not read the book to read it because it is a book that marked my
childhood and I liked it a lot.

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