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Where does digestion process occurs?? Mouth

In 8 meter long tube called gut or alimentary canal. This gut are made up of :
Mouth (start) Oesophagus Stomach Duodenum Intestine Anus
Oesophagus Stomach




1. Mouth
1. Food is chewed into smaller pieces and mixed with saliva
(secreted by salivary gland).

2. Enzyme: salivary amylase catalyses (speed up) the breaking down of starch maltose (a type of sugar) 3. Mucus in saliva is used to dissolve chemicals in food.

1. Digested food is shaped into a bolus (round) by the tongue and then swallowed. 2. The bolus moves down the oesophagus in a wave-like action called peristalsis. 3. Peristalsis occurs when the oesophageal wall contracts and relaxes alternately.

1. The stomach wall produces gastric juices (which contain enzyme protease and hydrochloric acid) 2. Functions of hydrochloric acid:
i. ii. Stops the actions of salivary amylase. Provides acidic medium suitable for the action of protease. iii. Change the inactive forms of protease to its active forms. iv. Kills bacteria in the food.

3. Function of enzyme protease is to catalyse the breaking down of protein polypeptide or peptone 4. Mucus in stomach protects stomach wall from being digested by proteases. 5. Peristalsis in stomach wall churns (gaul) the food & mix it with the gastric juices then form the semisolid food called chyme.

1st part of small intestine It receives: bile from the gall bladder : pancreatic juices from pancreas

Greenish fluid produced by the liver but stored in the gall bladder. Function:
1. Emulsifies fats into oil droplets so that lipase can act on it. 2. Neutralises the acidic chyme.

Contains enzyme amylase, protease, and lipase. Amylase: breaks down starch maltose Protease: breaks down protein polypeptide Lipase: breaks down fat fatty acid & glycerol

5. Lower part of small intestine

This part secretes intestinal juices which contain maltase, protease and lipase. Maltase: breaks down maltose glucose Protease: breaks down polypeptide amino acid Lipase: breaks down fat fatty acid & glycerol

The end products for digestion

Carbohydrate ------> maltose ------> glucose (amylase) (maltase) Protein ------> polypeptide ------> amino acid (protease) (protease) Fat ------> fatty acid & glycerol (lipase)

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